Remove WG please

Absolutely awful.


I have not queued for epic battlegrounds since WG and Ashran were added to the mix.


WG was amazing in WotLK now it is awfully designed
Ashran was fun and did it for hours in WoD now it isn’t even worth staying in.
AV was fun when it was a regular BG for many expansions now its garbage

Not sure how they took Amazing aspects of the game and made them not worth doing. If they just restore them to how they were then they would actually be fun.

PS - Add Tol Borad and have WG separate from Epic Que. They should be restored to their previous standard Que methods where the winning side had access to a Dungeon that rewarded PvP Conquest loot.


I concur.


Sadly I have to agree. When they announced WG was coming back I was beyond thrilled because in WotLK it was some of the most exciting and fun content there was. Everybody on the server came out for the chance to get some of that Vault of Archavon loot. The battles truly were epic and it brought out the raiders and the pvpers alike. Now the incentive is less relevant, you don’t get to develop any inter-realm rivalries. . . Every one that I join ends up being a steamroll with the horde winning around 85% of those steam-rolls.
Couple that with the fact that people (allegedly on both sides) have figured out how to get vehicles into the main courtyard without breaking any of the walls to the main courtyard makes the whole thing seem like a profound waste of time. Granted, I realize that playing this game to some degree or another is a complete waste of time but I think you see what I mean.
I’d love to be able to blacklist this BG. I would love to see WG become relevant again though, perhaps by making it a gateway to something similar to the Vault of Archavon so that people were actually motivated to care one single iota.
I mean, honestly, it seems like the second the first team fight is decided, half of the losing team bails and then the bg back-fills with people immediately complaining that they don’t want to be there. Nothing about any of that inspires people to try and make a comeback.
I would trade both WG and SS for SotA. Strand at least had the potential to be fun if you got a nice bottleneck at the yellow gate :slight_smile:


Also the lag in the first fight is absolutely insane.


Yeah that’s one thing for sure. It’s hard to call it a fight when everything is completely lagged out. It’s just not fun when the game doesn’t work properly.


Hopefully without 15 million damaging sources and procs per character in shadowlands the lag issue goes away.

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Fantastic idea!!! Love it

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I’ve said this in a different thread and I will say it here: the sr fight isn’t really a blizz issue, it’s a player issue. If you’re having trouble winning wg, maybe try a different strat? And vehicles have counters, especially catapults. I’m not going to say what they are, but they do exist.

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Just left WG was trying to kill a hunter and for some reason the Fort cannons have a million mile reach interfering with the real PvP. I didn’t join to fight cannons, I want to PvP ( player vs player)

I guess if i get WG i will just fight on the roads away from all forts and sieges to try and get some PvP in but more than not I will just leave and hope I get an Epic that doesn’t revolve around overtuned cannon fire.

WG used to be so awesome, please bring back old WG! Just have all non player damage reduced by 85% against players, it’s really a simple fix.

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That’s… not what I meant by different.

You know that the original zone still exists and is still active, right?

when they have it so defense wins about 98% of the time, i call it a broken bg.

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That might be because both the attackers and the defenders have the exact same strat at the start: go in the same direction. The attackers run blindly into the defenders when the defenders have a clear advantage. When you think about it like that, who is logically going to win that fight?

My point being that it’s not the bg that is broken, it’s the playerbase’s perception of what is meant to happen in the bg. Yes, I do know that you need kills for rank and therefore vehicles. There are ways around that by manipulating that perception to gain the advantage, or take it away from the enemy. I’m being vague on purpose.

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