Dont forget sheeping the healers and taunting the hunters in their null zone.
I wouldn’t have an issue right from the start if the queues were separated
When one single twink is so OP that they ruin the game for the other 19 players, is the issue.
We have been through this roller coaster on retail. Blizzard should read through all the reasons they separated queues in the first place, and then again in 8.1.5 (they re-united them during Legion because of templates).
It makes levelling in BGs a far worse experience, and they already know this.
They should have tested adding the queue from anywhere first to see if games would fill before uniting the queues.
Ya know that having a 10 lvl spread per bracket creates the biggest balance disparity, lvl 10 vs 19 naked and same class puts one player as op. Cept when you hit cap, then the field is balanced. Sorry but the penalty for casual pvp is balance tipped away from your team. You want to nerf and handicap the over achievers to give the under achievers a “fair chance” but that would require a generic builds and fixed stat trees, gear would need to be cosmetic only not a stat modifier.
Well they obviously aren’t going to do that so please by all means ignore any advice and continue to get wrekt.
Nah, I will just ignore BGs until max level. Which is my point, so will most others.
Mixing XP on and XP off is a horrid experience for everyone, except for people who are there to one shot people.
You know, people who say things like:
XPoff brackets were dead in retail for a reason, not enough twinks were willing to fight each other. Imagine that.
and? you hate it? deal with it. why should we change a concept that was there long before you were an accident in your parents life? get over yourself . your feeling ends where common sense and game concept starts
hey you know you can wait til 70 to queue bgs right
What’s great about Retail is if you turn off XP, you get matched with other twinks who also turned off their XP.
Here’s the problem. Everybody whose been around is slapping Nether legs and mongooses on their lowbies every 10 levels. It’s not just twinks; pretty much everyone leveling is gonna have a ton of highly enchanted gear cus why not, we been on classic forever and have a ton of gold
Twinks are annoying, but the previous alternative was being paired with others who have exp gains turned off, which made their queues impossibly long.
There isn’t a good solution to twinks other than just don’t do bgs or twink yourself. I don’t think normalizing gear is the right call and boosting everyone to max level doesn’t solve many problems either since it’s a gear issue.
The only issue is that the fresh start servers are in battlegroups with long standing servers, so it’s not very competitive at low levels.
Yea that was blizzard oversite 100%
It would suck for queues but the fresh realms should only be queueing into themselves outside of 70
They’re in a lose lose situation there. It just sucks for the massive amount of fresh start players. Maybe if they had done more than 2 new servers and created a battlegroup instead of having 11,000 people in queue on Skyfury each night :^)
Hi there pal.
Wait I forgot so how do levels in bgs work below 70 again? Does it queue you within a certain lvl bracket or just 20-69?
Well I started by giving people advice on how to avoid the twinks. You decided to stick your opinion in my face and make a completely unreleated comment and ignore said advice so like I said get wrekt. You are only here to complain anyway.
You are most likely the type of player to tell your team “just let them win” the second the enemy team caps anything.
It’s not lack ques for the regular population it’s lack of ques for the twink population.
There would still be a lack of ques for twinks even today.
That’s why they made the change tbh.
Aren’t twinks cutting their exp off therefore in their own bracket?
Right because you think youll stand much of a chance as a warrior or lock at lvl 19 bgs
Get dunked on by hunters and rogues