Remove twinks from lowbie BGs

WIth the enchant changes, twinks power has been seriously diminished.

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Hard to have sympathy when you signed up for things like that

The whole issue with twinks comes down to the fact twinks gy camp at low lvls and thats where most dislike it lvl 10 to 19 bgs is supposed to be an introduction to pvp for new players.

Back in the day that experience was remaining a ghost.

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we always could?> wotlk was never retail
i had a 19 and a 59 back then exp turned off and i coudl queue for pvp

thank god i dont have to pvp with you. another one finding excuses to complain about pvp

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Dude were you around in old guard wrath the forums were full of topics complaining about twinks it was almost as bad as the forums when u and your friends came here during classic complaining about racials and the location of a freaking cave.

But call it what u will please do me a favor and who me and whisper me so i can add u to the list of arrogrance and spitefulness


Yes, I “was around in old guard Wrath”, and NO the forums WERE NOT “full of topics complaining about twinks”.

In point of fact – the old Battlegroup subforums were predominantly used by twinks, organizing and trash-talking.

You are LYING or COMPLETELY IGNORANT. Which is it Nelgastos?


aklo plz do keep in mind that pointing an issue out that is mostly due to poor mindset and lack of will from the players to adapat is considered offensive and abusive

I can 100% confirm this,

Excellent point. The gear gap at lev70 is enormous, but apparently thats okay with these people that are compaining about lev19 bg.

I think most of them are being ignorant to the facts and just want to steam roll noobs all the way to level cap… only finding out that they actually need to play the game rather than being AFK.

doesnt really matther, bc and wotlk are dumbed and eased down like crazy, we did sunwell with 2 boosted tank in boosted gear and it was easy as hell and no one died

Twinks exist because people want to bully people that cannot fight back.

They can try to deny it all they want, but no one’s going to buy it. When twinks were put in a bracket where they only fought other twinks, the twink queue mysteriously died. Imagine that. :joy:

a lot of the twinks do want the bracket xp on/off split. Twink didn’t die back in 08’. It’s still alive on retail rn. It even had his peak during MoP with tournaments and 9k USD cashprize.

The twink players you see rn active in the pre patch are irrelevant and are people that like to greykill (you’ll mostlikely see they’re ungeared & play rogue/hunter). People that do want to twink in a more competition mode are waiting a bit until less lvlers & more twinks queue (maybe guild vs guild?).

I think that is the whole point of people making twinks. To outclass the “normal” characters with superior firepower


It was at first. But the twink community has grown after wotlk and a competitive scene appeared. Only a few do play as in 07’ and want to “outclass” the normal chars.

Another terrible take. Oh, it’s Nyaria! Big surprise.

Gee, when there are less players in a pool (twinks in xp off back in the day), games become quite a bit less active. Who would have thunk it?

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