Remove timer based content from the game

M+ with a timer is a rush with a .1% chance at a reward no matter how well you do.

I’m down to doing 1, 15 a week for the chest and being done with it.


Timers in mythic+ is fine. But I’d wish we didn’t have it Island Expeditions or Visions. Especially, with Islands its just pull a crap-ton of mobs and aoe them down…rinse and repeat as quickly as possible. Wish we could take our time with it and maybe loot would be tied to what we did on the island.


The problem with this is that if they made the timer optional, no one would use the timer. The timer would have to give better rewards, which would just bring us back to square one.

I don’t like this, because it still means that progression ultimately requires using the timer, which means that my two main concerns 1) Balance 2) RPG feel still aren’t fixed.

I think that they need to go in a different direction entirely, like Torghast but for m+ as well as for this “megadungeon”. The should randomized mob layout, add traps, puzzles, buff bosses, add affixes - literally anything other than “see how fast you can dps and not die” as a way to create an artificial challenged over very okish content.

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Maybe a fact in your mind. That makes it an opinion not fact but nice try

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They do have dungeons without timers.

I’m all for having visions without sanity loss, as long as the rewards are curved according to the difficulty change.

I mean, it’s not like RPGs have existed since the 1970s. Timers are not the only way to create difficult content that requires skill to clear.


No way! You realize they started timers in Vanilla right?

No way!

You know what, you can play M0 and have no timer. You don’t deserve the best loot in the game if you’re not willing to face the timer. Casuals don’t get to destroy the experience of the committed core crowd.


what would the point be of doing a vision if you didnt lose sanity?

The timer, I feel, could be something more arbitrarily “rpg” like.

For example, have several mobs with one-shot mechanics that must be counter played, and instead limit the dungeon to a number of deaths, and higher keys give you fewer respawns. Semantically different, but still the same outcome.

Practice. Same as the reason people do m0 today.

M+ is easy unless you’re pushing high keys. And high keys should be challenging, and the easiest way to make them challenging is to put a timer on them. Otherwise people would just grind their way to the end and still get the same reward as people who clear it in half the time.

Even raids have timers. Almost all raid bosses have some sort of enrage timer where you die if you can’t kill them fast enough.

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We already have that though, also with a timer in place.

edit: Like try to do a run of a decent key without any interrupts lol, it actually becomes impossible to complete a run if you ignore mechanics after a certain key level.

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Enrage timers are a completely different thing than a timer for the whole dungeon. I really don’t have a problem with those.

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That removes replayability

I get it, but not really. It didn’t remove replayability from all the dungeons before Legion.


You can just remove the timer and put a cap on the number of lives. Then it’s no longer a game of run and gun and more a game of chess. High keys on fortified can already one shot players if you fail mechanics.

The timer isn’t necessary to make the content hard. If you only have 20 lives to spend, you can’t just nuke and wipe your way through the dungeon.

Ok, then the death count just affects the key upgraded just like the timer. How is time a better limiting factor than deaths?

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I think the timer needs to stay. Leaderboards are important, too.

Some compromise between the timer giving bonus loot but key upgrades being tied to death count might be good.

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I think it kinda did though? Why would anyone play those dungeons if there was no way to progress? The only reason we can progress in dungeons is because of M+. The only reason they have replayability.

How would they pace their content without timers?