Remove this please i was dumb

Vrakthris was completely right and i want this post removed. Please and thank you

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Well, this is a good way NOT to be invited. Perhaps READ the SFA post in your other thread.


In order to hopefully avoid you creating additional threads, and possibly losing your posting privileges, I’ll answer this one the best I can.

In every beta there are often specific individuals, streamers/influencers, that are invited to participate. They usually showcase the content, allowing folks who may not have received an invite, or may not actually want to join the testing phase, the ability to see some of the content ahead of time.

The overall number of influencers invited is usually extremely small by comparison to the standard population of folks who are invited. The difference is, they are visible, and most other folks who were invited don’t stream or otherwise communicate their participation.

Again, we do, often a high percentage over the influencers and streamers who are invited. How long you have had a subscription is irrelevant, the invite system isn’t based on how long you have played.

Yes, and there are some who have purchased lotto tickets for years, but that doesn’t guarantee that they’ll win anymore then your longevity does.

The majority of beta participants are regular players, like you, with a sprinkle of content creators.

I should also note again, that Customer Support Forum Agents, like myself, and Game Masters, have zero involvement in the invite process.