Sometimes, people need to have things pointed out. I might not notice one of the DPS is only auto attacking, but after the prompt comes up, I check skada, or recount, and see the leech needs to go, then realize it was taking more time than it should have to move through things.
I’ve been kicked a handful of times since its implementation, and 90% of the time, not having a popup wouldn’t have saved me. I was the third DPS not in the guild, and not 100 ilvls over the dungeon, or I am an enh shaman. Only cutting edge raiders were good enough, but the popup didn’t get me kicked.
Maybe we need to look at why people are being voted out in the first place, because I haven’t had the problem with it. Maybe people aren’t giving the whole story when these complaint posts are made. Who wants to diminish their argument with negative facts about themselves?
I do that in 5 mans but islands it’s just easier for me to lead people. If they go off and things get slow but they are still actively killing things I just camp the other “team” so they can’t gather anything.
I’ve never minded if they take a bit longer so long as they get done. I’ll eat a loss before I’ll get someone else saddled into this mess by leaving though.
Makes sense. Most of the time I am not paying attention either, but I am not someone to judge based on performance. Does that mean I am a bad player?
Maybe. I have acknowledge that I suck. When players disrespect friends (or just a random player that is doing his/her best), that’s when I pay attention and that is when I want the disrespectful person removed.
I still think the way the OP proposed is a better system, but your explanation has merit.
I remember one LFR back in legion there was a toxic player and I called him on his crap. Had a fun little argument/debate while waiting for people to join after a few wipes. He tried to vote kick me 3 times but it would never pass. Had 3/4 of the group on my side and getting a kick out of the whole thing. He pulled the boss and left. We laughed at him the whole rest of the run.
NO! I think that those who are trying claiming that folks are mindlessly clicking the vote to click button are relying on the fact most folks don’t remember what the kick popup looks like. They are relying on the fact Players won’t remember that in order to kick someone a Player has to willfully choose between the “Yes” and “No” buttons! That if Players are doing so without thought than statistically they have a 50/50 chance at the most to click the “No”.
Players like the OP and his/her cheerleaders don’t want to improve the Kick system. They want to make it harder for the “Toxic” and others who are hurting the Group progress to be kicked. They want the ability to waste time while to talk like Salty Sailors, to be able to go AFK, or to just be carried because they are lazy without the rest of the group replacing them easily!
They know that forcing something like the OP’s suggestion would take time, wouldn’t be able to be done during combat and could possibly take so much time to happen in an instance that the vote would time out. Just as they know that the decision to click yes could not be an auto response because there is a choice of “yes” and “no” with “no” being on the side of the screen where a non-clickers mouse pointer would be sitting!
Nope. People could all just right click and spam click the kick button. You will still get that “toxic” kicking. There isn’t any way with that system to get away from toxic kicking. I can still see it happening. Like I said people in the group could all click that person’s portrait regardless of why they want to kick and vote to kick them. Thus person is kicked.
And let me tell you just from reading that Idea I could easily find a way to just easily kick them still. Wasn’t that hard to even figure out the flaw. It was as easy as doing math.
Thats the big thing right there that some of these guys are missing is the fact a truly “toxic” player will find a work around any type of system implemented. All the new system might accomplish is make it harder to get rid of the actual toxic player.
It’s the other way around.
When there’s a real toxic player, the rest of the group members will act together to put it away.
If there’s less screen cluttering with the votekick message, the only ones being affected are the toxic players using it to random kick.
A real problem player will be in the sight of everyone without requiring a message box popping right in the face.
And anyone a guild group or group of friends wants to kick will still be kicked. And people like me will go into dungeons and it is easier now because I don’t have to take direct responsibility for kicking poor performers so I will click to kick on everyone I feel deserving of a kick and I imagine a fair number of people will operate in the exact same way.
What I can’t understand is how people like you can possibily think this will fix anything when we currently have an another thread going where this system is being used and people are complaining about being kick.
It is abused if you don’t believe people go in any random group wait 5 mins and vote to kick. Type hshdhdhsgshekfhssheoegsi in the reason area 9 times out of 10 anyone not grouped with a friend or a good tank is gone.
Havent done an island expedition in a few months but last 3 times I tried on different toons I was booted before we were off the boat.
But then you can usually get 200 groups where no one kicks anyway even when someone really needs to be kicked for being dumb.
I’ve never been kicked from a warfront but was over at my friends house and he’s in the middle of fighting mins and boom kicked.
PvP I was kicked back in mop after someone marked me as afk in the starting zone. only time ive ever seen a pvp kick still have no idea how that guy marked me as afk while im jumping talking to people
Never seen the system abused aside from when a guild group is trolling. The only time I have seen people claim its abused is when they are kicked for not listening or doing their own thing and making things harder on the group
Read what I said above, It can still be abused. People will mass kick,etc. No ifs ands or buts. Op system will not stop people from “false” kicking. It will just be the same as it is now.