Remove the votekick popup

Toxic players rely on players to mindlessly click ‘accept’ on this popup to abuse the votekick system.

Please make it so each individual player has to right-click the players portrait to votekick them.

The current system is abused far too often.


There is nothing wrong with the current system


Yes, there in fact is.


If you are getting kicked enough times that you feel a need to make a thread about trying to change it, you are the issue not the current system.


I disagree.

Earlier today, a player on Island Expeditions was having to deal with a 2-stack bot train (and we really need to eliminate 2-stacks in Island Expeditions, but that’s banter for later in my thread). Suffice to say, the bot train pulled everything in sight, including 3 rare-elites, and were dying too easily cos they don’t know how mechanics work (again, cos its a bot program, and bots are against the EULA for a reason), and they were losing by a thousand to normal-difficulty AI.

He somehow was able to fool one of the two-stack players into votekicking his partner. The system proceeded to backfill me in, and then the player votekicked the other partner in the bot train, who had just died yet again. A monk was backfilled in just as I engaged, and suffice to say immediately we killed all three rare-elites, quickly jumped back into the lead, and then proceeded to stall the Alliance AI long enough to kill all three Alliance AI before looting some chests filled with Azerite, locking up the win…a somewhat surprising result.

Suffice to say, if a player has to initiate a votekick in the first place, there’s probably a reason. The only time I’ve seen a votekick put in based on toxicity was last week in Raid Finder, but then again, the boss we were on that initiated the votekick was severely bugged and I didn’t know what the hell was going on.


I never said I was the one getting kicked. You jumped into this thread with assumptions and you also made a claim (there is nothing wrong) with nothing to back it up.

I literally just witnessed someone get kicked because they didn’t use Time Warp on a specific boss (that died in 20 seconds) in a normal mode dungeon. The person was removed despite me voting no, yet the other 2 players mindlessly clicked accept.


I can see some merit to this.

Not going to lie, I’ve been one of those players who ‘mindlessly’ press accept so I can get it out of my face. Why didn’t I mindlessly press decline? Well, there have been times in the past where I mindlessly pressed decline, only to later realize that the voted player had actually been afk/trolling/etc so better safe than sorry.

I agree, I think it should not create a pop up and that people should right click the portrait to initiate the vote kick. That way, it creates a stealth vote and if the person is booted, it’s because x other people took the effort to right click and vote out.


This is a single event, even if it were true. Most would called this story biased, anecdotal evidence. People get kicked for stupid, unnecessary reasons all the time, and there’s no denying that regardless if someone used the system to kick a bot one time.

The system can still be improved. Just because someone is deservedly kicked one time out of many does not mean the system doesn’t need a revamp of some sort.

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So what you are saying is based on this one experience that you believe was unjust yet 3 others agreed on you think it is broke. Seems to me it worked as intended. Just because you didn’t agree with why they kicked them doesn’t mean it is broke.

And how do you know they mindlessly hit the accept key, maybe they agreed he should have used time-warp.


Oh, boy. Calling folks who disagree even slightly “biased” and “making assumptions”. This thread will end very well.

Anyways, is it Sunday already? Darn it, I don’t want to go to class tomorrow…


Doing queuable content subjects yourself to systems in place to “regulate” queueable content. Im pretty sure 2 people have to start a vote kick before a pop up even shows up in 5 mans. Dont know. I dont do queuable content.

Because one of the other players said “woops wasn’t paying attention, what did we kick for?” and the other replied “idk”. Regardless, usage of time warp is not a valid reason to votekick someone - maybe if the group asked for it beforehand and a wipe was had because it wasn’t used, MAYBE. But this was a normal dungeon and everything was dying in mere seconds. Kicking a player, especially one from a non-english server, for such a trivial reason is called being toxic.


only 1 person has to initiate a VTK and majority has to agree for the kick goes through which is 3 people in a 5 man


That doesn’t mean the system is broke it means those guys were buttheads, if it bothered you that much just report them and move on or leave the instance. I myself wouldn’t have kicked him for that but over all the system works and has been working.

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Technically speaking 3/4 have to agree since the vote to be kicked does not get a vote. Those odds are fine. Maybe its LFR where a certain amount have to start it. Like I said, I havent done queuable content in awhile.

I believe 3 or 5 people in an LFR have to iniate a VTK I have seen pop ups where it says so in so has initiated a kick need so many more to before I have seen a pop up.

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In LFR, 4 or 5 people are required to right-click the players portrait and individually vote to kick the player. This system works much more reliably than 5 or 3-player content. In dungeons/islands only one person has to navigate the menu to initiate a votekick while the other players just have to click accept on the popup.

If you join a random dungeon and vote to kick someone (you can even type gibberish in the reason) at random, the chances it will pass are very high. The popup that people can click mindlessly is the problem.

Unless the person has gone afk or been disconnected for a few minutes, I never vote yes to kick.


That for the most part is the only time I initiate a VTK or say yes and even then I wait a few minutes in case they were DC’ed

In LFR the main time people using vote kick is when someone is AFK. Dungeons are more consistent gameplay as well.

I really don’t like what you are suggesting because the group basically has to stop what they are doing and discuss whether to kick someone right in front of them which is going to create all sorts of social problems.