Remove the votekick popup

Well there is when in LFR you need players to right click to vote and in LFG and other queues it is a popup.

that is a ridiculous statement.

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How? The system works fine, there is nothing wrong with it. Outside of people getting their feelings hurt it works.


I don’t find it ridiculous. There isn’t anything wrong with the current system for most people.

I think I have only seen someone get kicked a few times when they didn’t deserve it in the 8 years I have played. You don’t change the system for that.

It is never this one time, I come here and make posts like this after the Nth time seeing it happen. Players will abuse systems for their own gain, to make themselves feel better, for whatever childish reasons and Blizzard just let it happen because those who abuse the systems were the ones who yelled enough to get the systems in place to begin with.

We need to yell back to remove some things out of the game.

I havent seen any AFK problem in 19 months of running dungeons.
one would think that IF its such a rampant problem Id have at least run across it at some point, yet I havent.
99.999% of the kicks I see are either for disconnected players…or more often, some buttclown tank is acting like a spoiled 8 year old and either he’s trying to kick someone without just cause…or we’re trying to kick him for acting the fool.

I dont think in 19 months that Ive actually seen a single player legitimately kicked for AFK.
Thats really odd IF its this huge problem we’re claiming it is.

Ive been kicked once for no reason - other than a partial guild run piss-ably nc…

But i would make the vote kick easier… the amount of bots, afks etc really is bad atm

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People don’t pay attention to the popup and mindlessly click accept. This is well known. Just because you believe it doesn’t happen often, or is only a problem because of peoples feelings, doesn’t mean there is literally a problem with how the system works.

Simply removing the popup and requiring each individual player to manually request a votekick would go SO FAR for reducing and preventing the amount of times votekick is abused while still keeping the ability to votekick the same.

I agree. After experiencing the troll behaviour and group hostage taking back in wrath before they gave groups vote kick (aka when dungeon queues were brand new) it was a nightmare to be in groups. Tanks and healers would hold the group to ransom if they wanted something or didn’t want to do that dungeon. And before the punishment of 30 min deserter came in, they could just requeue once kicked.

Also it’s better than the alternative - having the group leader being the only one who can kick people out of the group.

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I was talking about LFR not dungeons. And if you have never run across anyone AFK in LFR you either don’t do much or you aren’t paying attention.

I really don’t understand the point you are trying to make here because this thread really isn’t about LFR.

Thats like saying it would be ok for me to give a 12 year old my car keys and walk away, then when theyre running down the neighbors lawn ornaments that its 'not my fault"

The abuse exists because Blizzard gave a tool to petulant kids who get a kick out of abusing it.
Your agreement in the matter really isnt required. We see CONSTANT complaints about this in here and around the web.

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Ok…I ran LFR every single day in Legion. Why didnt I see any AFK players in all that time?

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Thing is, we only see constant complaints from a small minority of people who get vote kicked… and the point stands - if they are getting kicked often enough for it to hinder their gameplay, then maybe it’s not the system or other players at fault at all… and said player needs to look in a mirror to see the true problem

yeah…and how many DONT say anything about being kicked for no reason?
I see it nearly every single day when Im running randoms a lot where someone TRIES to kick someone I know isnt doing anything wrong.
maybe Ineed to start documenting that in here so some of you will have to accept that it IS a daily thing…people are just not rushing to THIS forum to scream about it as often as they probably should.

Because you don’t see them all the time… You somehow misread or misunderstood what I said.

Being AFK isn’t a huge problem in LFR, I didn’t say it was. But when people do get kicked in LFR it is mostly because they are AFK.

I was responding to another poster who was claiming this system works in LFR and explaining there is no social problems in those cases because the people aren’t even there to fight the kicks.

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And the kicks fail because people are not automatons. All the vote kicks I’ve seen initiated only the ones that are truly needed go through. All the rest fail because the rest of the group aren’t mindless idiots. Something you seem to believe players are.


As i SAID…and Im one that has been kicked maybe 3 times since i started playing. and two of those times were jokers who kicked before we even started the run. clearly just using me to get into a 5 man…I see this crap nearly every single day when Im running a lot.

Tank is acting like a child. Tank tries to kick someone. Group rejects the kick. Tanks behavior gets worse so we either have to kick him or allow him to kick someone because he doesnt like the race or spec theyre playing.

Maybe half a dozen kicks Ive seen, if that, have been for legitimate reasons.
So you can try this mirror crap reasoning, but I know what ive SEEN as far as people trying to kick other players. 99% of is ABUSE of the reason the system exists.

You talk about not seeing something for the whole what did you say 19 months playing the game. I and a lot of others here have been playing since VTK was implemented, I myself have been kicked maybe 5 times since, and many of my 300+ guild mates are the same.

to use your made up percentages 99.999% of all the “I got kicked for no reason, fix VTK” threads I have seen have been someone that their feelings hurt.

For lol’s used to go over to CS and watch people complain that they were kicked for no reason only to have a blue explain to them that the kick was justified and why, and they were always the issue. Not the system.

I myself like it the way it is, you start changing it then it might get harder to kick for legit reasons.

i see it like this if and when I get kicked that’s fine i will sit out my 30 mins and rejoin it is simple.


it isn’t a daily thing unless you are literally doing 100s of dungeons a day. I suspect my definition of what a legitimate reason for getting kick and yours varies greatly.

I don’t do a lot of dungeons but I did in legion and maybe out of 500 dungeons a few people got kicked and they all deserved it.

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Im sorry…how does that translate to “LEGITIMATELY kicked” ?