Remove the timer on keys under 5

Correct me if I’m wrong - not being a M+ player for a long time - but isnt it the idea to start at 0 so you get a feel for the style, and then you advance through the levels, gaining experience, getting better (hopefully) and learning how the M+ system works?

If you are getting stressed out by doing M+, you probably shouldn’t do M+. Perhaps stick to Heroic, which doesn’t have a timer?

Suggesting a core part of the system be removed to lessen your stress isn’t possibly what the designers had in mind.

Come on now, paraphrasing that classic line from Wargames and I bet you figured no one would notice. :sunglasses:

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I like the timer.

  • It adds a soft difficulty that groups can choose to ignore; otherwise the only way for Blizzard to challenge players are difficulty checks that are hard failures.
  • The timer doesn’t dictate a form of counterplay, there are many ways teams can overcome the challenge it presents. Playing better is a viable option, but it isn’t the only option like nearly every other form of challenge that exists.
  • It creates a clear design expectation for how long the dungeon should take.

Do you have any idea why many M+ players think adding a queue would either be a colossal waste of dev resources or be the first step in drastic nerfs to M+ that would negatively impact how we enjoy the game?

The ironic thing is that despite there being a timer, M+ is run slower than every other difficulty of dungeon in modern WoW.

Moreover, the timer isn’t just about challenge. It’s a form of challenge that’s optional in the context of that key, in the past few expansions has only been relevant for teams pushing the highest keys each season or those that are unprepared/making a lot of mistakes, and offers many different avenues for counterplay. Every other form of challenge is a pass-fail that is a hard stop on any progress in the encounter/dungeon until you pass it.

This take is absolutely delusional. Knowing what your group can handle and what’s best for your group to skip is quite skill intensive, especially when something goes sideways and the group has to adjust on the fly.

What purpose those this serve though, beyond just doubling or tripling the time it takes to get through a dungeon?

There are plenty of people telling you what the timer adds to M+, you are just ignoring them because it doesn’t fit your narrative here.


Because bad players are the example of “give a mouse a cookie”. Blizzard keeps changing things to make it easier for them and they keep demanding more.

It does affect me because when it isn’t enough and people demand nerfs so the content I enjoy gets dumbed down.

If you want the gear get better.

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Yet your suggestion is removing one of the main features or m+ lol.

Because gear is overly rewarding in comparison to other content.
We’ve been stating this exact thing since VERY early in the season.

What’s a little funny is that players skip WAY more trash in normal/heroic/mythic0 dungeons then mythic+ due to the forced trash %.

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:yawning_face:, why dont you just git gud?

It’s still end game content and not everything needs the LFR treatment. There’s so much room for error in low keys it’s ridiculous even post squish. Timer should not be removed at all.


I don’t do much M+ but hell even I know that the timer is the essence of its challenge.

No need to change it, as people have said start at M0 (M0 has all the mechanicsm, Heroic and lower DO NOT).

Really not complicated.

Maybe I’m insane but outside maybe the first week of keys, or on some really ratty alt keys, I actually never think about the timer on any key. I only do weeklies for what it’s worth, but I’m literally +3ing 10s. The timer is completely irrelevant unless you’re just constantly faceplanting in these dungeons.

If that is the case it might be valuable to actually work on improving your gameplay rather than screaming on the forums that the game be brought down to your level of play.


Another “I pay the same as you, so I deserve the same gear you earn” If you can’t make the trip to the local hog trough before it closes do you call and complain that they didn’t accommodate you? I mean you were going to pay the same as the people that got there on time, right??? Or how about this one. Do you get the same pay as your boss? I mean you show up to the same building on time… You do not get to have the same toys if you can’t put the same amount of work in, end of discussion. If you can’t time it, don’t blame the game, blame YOURSELF and take some accountability for being bad.

Dont worry about us, veterans. We are not doing lower keys. You do your business. You wipe, you learn, you improve, you move on.

That’s is a no no. Do you want to be a noob forever? If you started day 1 in WoW and all you do is fear the dungeons, you would miss 20 years of Dungeons that is designed for fun. It is okay to be noob today. Keep dying, keep learning… One day, you would improve. One day, you would be like us. We’ll be waiting for you in high keys.

It’s okay to be noob today, fight back and learn than to be noob forever. WoW would be here for the next 10 years with more more FUN FUN FUN dungeons.

I don’t care about the timer. I can switch the timer or not whatever I want to do with mythic + dungeon

Unfortunately they push their noobness into higher keys.
Its wild how many Ive seen 630+/2500+ that don’t know their rotations let alone dungeon mechanics.

Its okay to wipe and learn, just stop pushing higher keys until you learn the things. Its not fair to those of us that have a clue and constantly get our runs bricked due to a hard carry in a +10.

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Is a timer for M+5 and under an issue?


Lmao wow thats some big talk from someone that cant move past 7s. Those are such some real high keys you’re timing lmao.

literally all you do is low keys lmao :roll_eyes:

I don’t quite understand why players who do high keys are concerned about timers in low keys.

Some players can do harder content than an m0 but don’t like timers

I don’t understand why players who barely do the content are so concerned about changing the fundamentals about it to make it easier for themselves. The timer is a distinct part of M+. It adds to the difficulty without Blizzard needing to rely strictly on trash/boss tuning. Removing the timer would make it significantly easier while giving the same rewards and vault credit.

100%. Just because you timed a dungeon on certain key level doesn’t mean you are ready for the next.


No. All M+ should have timers, so that when people graduate to the higher tiers, they’re used to the timers.

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Tbf 7s aren’t low anymore.
Its comparable to what? +17ish previously?

Yup. People for whatever reason refuse to learn their class. Refuse to learn mechanics. Refuse to participate beyond basic dps
Then complain content is too hard when its purely lack of accountability and refusal to learn (or just lazy).

Part of the difficulty is timers. Tbh I don’t see what the problem with the timers is. If you don’t time it, it’s either because you didn’t meet the damage check or mechanic check (aka you wiped).

If only proving grounds existed lol.