In S2, +2 and +3 will only be timer - no season affix, no Fort/Tyran, and no CP. That will be an easy learning curve for casual players who are looking to dip their toes into the rest of the mode.
If you just want to practice mechanics with no routing, timer or Enemy Forces at all, that’s what M0 is for.
As for OP, disagree, there needs to be all timers or no timers. Dropping the timer up to +5s for example would just lead to more people having a harder time adjusting to it when they try +6s, which they will eventually.
These are the people making demands on changing the fundamentals of the content. People who don’t do them. Dracarian is one of them who has over 9,000 M+ related posts since August, but hasn’t done any.
I am on point. Are we talking about above +5 on this thread?
So what if i didnt do above +7s? I attained my KSM personal goal just by doing 7s. Why would i need +8 and above? I am max’d out on my Heroic Track gear. I dont have Mythic Track gear. Why would i need one? I am not even raiding.
I had setbacks in November and December that i was not able to play much.
But i am doing fine. I did 100% PuGs overgearing these lowbie dungeons as a Carrier not Carried. There’s no point for me to go beyond.
Because there’s already problems with people sneaking into high keys that they’re not even remotely ready for. Until blizzard gets their act together and let’s peoples interrupts/average DPS/average deaths be visible in the group finder interface, people are reluctant to give up the only slight metric to screen people from their groups (score and highest completed dungeon)
Yes, 7s are considered low keys. What’s considered high and low is relative to the season. In week one, sure 7s could be considered high, but as the weeks go on the bar moves with it.
It’s not my fault that KSM is no longer dealing with all Affixes. Regardless if you bring all the Affixes or not, i would get it done like in previous Expansions.
I am not a Tyrannical Coward who skips M+ on every bad affixes like Bolstering, Sanguine or Explosives.
It’s not my fault if they made KSM a joke.
I just dont have play time. If you give me enough play time, i would be better than many Elistists on this game.
It really is adorable how over confident and proud you doing (KSM) which is basically a participation torphy at this point lmao. You crack me up but no you dont do high keys and you never have youre a low end player who has no clue.
It has nothing to do with being “elitist”. He’s arguing with emotional circular reasoning when we are simply stating that 7s are not high keys.
If you want to do M+ then just do it. Learn the mechanics, your rotation, and work your way up. What turns runs toxic is when someone calls out an error and the receiver argues back and gets defensive. If someone points something out either don’t respond or say ok and move on.