That’d be an amazing idea to make sure no DPS would ever join a key. Just tanks and healers.
Kinda like removing boss enrages from raids.
That’d be an amazing idea to make sure no DPS would ever join a key. Just tanks and healers.
Kinda like removing boss enrages from raids.
I think you are just trying to discredit a figure, 50% of wow players might not do 10-12 keys, but what % of wow players don’t participate in M+ at all? The middle of the pack feeling might just be for those that participate in M+, which would make it 50% of M+ participants, not wow players.
Before calling anyone delusional or a troll, maybe stop to think on what is likely the data points used, like all of the WoW playerbace vs. those that partiicipate.
He didn’t say middle of the pack Mythic+ players… and even if he did, I would doubt that very much. Do you seriously believe 50% of players who have stepped into Mythic+ are clearing 10-12 keys?
I would be shocked if 50% of Mythic+ players this season are still subscribed based on the numbers I’m looking at…
Well let’s see…there’s people pushing 20s, we start at 2, making 10-12 middle of the pack.
Also there’s 15 million individual characters interacting with the 10-12 range and only 13 million interacting with the 6-7 range.
So you’re either ignorant, disingenuous, or you entirely lack comprehension. Do you not understand the “understood” rule of english? When you’re discussing a topic, it’s understood you reference said topic so you don’t have to say “m+ players only” in every sentence. But maybe for you we need to. Lemme edit my post to help you out
Where are you getting this 50% from?
That has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
Gettin them juans
Clearing? yes, timing? maybe not, but keep in mind, middle of the pack could also mean those that don’t see a need to push farther (lack of rewards unless you hit title range) yet any lower are just too easy, and even 10-12s are easy for them.
and you just exposed your inability to think, talking about M+, what are the chances any figures mentioned are going to be based on M+ participants?
Oh give me a break… really? lol
You think this is a bell curve in distribution? That because the best in the world are pushing 20, the number starts at 2, that makes 10-12 middle of the pack?
Okey dokey bud.
Says another guy who believes 50% of players in Mythic+ are clearing 10-12 keys…
Well again, there’s more players in the 10-12 range than there is in the 6-7 range. Middle of the pack.
Again, where are you getting this 50% from lol. Did you have a conversation in your head and think we were all apart of that??
OK, I will give you the benefit of the doubt here. Tell me what a “middle of the pack” player is… if it isn’t an average player in WoW.
Well im sure you understand what a middle is right? The half way point between the bottom and the top. That would be referencing key levels.
Middle of the pack players would be the players hanging out in the middle of the pack key ranges. 10-12.
I mean we could go 2-7 / 8-12 / 13-20 if you’d like. In which, yeah 50% of the players are (in your terms) “middle of the pack” with 50% of participants
So when you say middle of the pack players, you’re excluding everyone who isn’t running Mythic+ keys right now (and not folks who ran some earlier in the season or didn’t run any)?
It’s not a trap, if that’s the criteria you are judging… then I agree, I just find it a very weird thing to call people doing 10-12 “middle of the pack” players. 10-12s are advanced content that the average middle of the pack World of Warcraft player is not going to have success in… and it’s alarming to think Developers may actually believe you when you seem to suggest they might.
I’m talking about participants that participated in the middle of the key ranges (10-12) from beginning of season to the end.
When people are capable of clearing 20s, and 2s are entry level, you find the middle. Some people can only clears 2s, and some can clear 20s. It’s not about the “amount” of people doing it, it’s just where the middle falls. And currently there’s more people in the 10-12 range than the 6-7 range.
We’re not discussing performance levels to dictate what “middle of the pack is”. This really isn’t that hard to comprehend.
I… do beg to differ. I would never have thought to equate middle of the pack players with anything but performance… to me it makes as much sense as calling a player who is 8/8 M in the top 50th guild a “middle of the pack player” … because you’re only looking at players in the Top 100 Guilds for whatever arbitrary reason you have.
But I do finally see where you’re coming from and do believe you aren’t trolling at least.
This is always a “concern” anytime there are multiple gearing sources.
Mythic+ is the path of least resistance for mythic track and gilded crest farming versus raiding
Fact: you need the money of people you fantasize about driving out of your game to keep the development of your content coming. Working to turn the game into a tiny hardcore lobby game with a cult following is just demonstrating you know nothing about business and think you are a charity that deserves to be supported by somebody else’s money.
Fact: Trying to make a game that appeals to everybody also makes the game worse for everybody and, in turn, loses far more money than they would gain trying to appease the outliers who cannot enjoy the game for what it is.
The smarter move is to lean into what makes your game great for your loyal fanbase, and once it’s good enough, it will attract other customers that share the same interests.
So again, since you’re not happy…I encourage you to go and stop playing this game that you obviously dislike.
Dungeons have literally over 20 difficulty settings.
We also now have delves with 10+ difficulty levels.
It’s about as far away from a tiny hardcore lobby game as you can get.
Okay lets look at it performance wise:
Bottoms are stuck in 2-3’s, tops are doing 18-20s, and middle of the pack players made their way into 10-12s.
Yeah except that’s not the correlation now is it. We’re discussing difficulty of content.
So Mythic raiders are the top
Heroic raiders are middle of the pack
Normal raiders are low end
See how simple that is.
… right.
Okey dokey bud.
I was willing to concede I don’t think you’re trolling. I’m positive you’re delusional though. lol