Remove the timer on keys under 5

Keystone Master!!! Holy wow dude thats super impressive dude :clap:

But you can’t farm vault or crests from failing to complete the dungeon though. I guess to your point, it’s a mindset issue: is completing the dungeon but failing to time it still considered a failure? I don’t know why some players and Blizzard need to insist it is. Why look to punish people finishing +11s or lower over time? If they want to derank their key, there’s a panda that does that for them.

Who gains from having their keys autodeplete?

You can if you do completion runs and if they remove depletion then they really can farm it non-stop with their own key.

It is a failure because the timer is part of the win condition. Without the timer everyone would agree that the same key would be substantially easier while giving the same rewards. Being able to pull one pack at a time with CDs and hard CCs is not the same difficulty as being pressed for time.

Ironically the pug community gains from it because it slows down people from failing upwards and score inflation. There’s a reason why 10s and 12s are significantly more miserable now than they were 3 months ago. Remove depletions and failure rates for pug keys will sky rocket.


While I understand where Sosori is coming from, one things some over look is that depletion when the lower key provides nothing for even the key holder is annoying and is what really smacks of punishment.

This is why I don’t mind depletion, but would like it if you have timed keys of a certain level in all dungeons it won’t deplete under a cetail level, I’d use the break points for additional affixes for the break points myself, like if it is 2 affixes at 4, having all keys timed at 4 or above makes it so that keys won’t deplete under 4, same for say 7 and 3 affixes and such.

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Let people solve the Mythics on their own time frame. They was to rush it, great. Make the reward a bonus. They want to work through it in an hour, great.

Changing from time to deaths would get me back. My 2 cents.

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There it is… and that’s probably TBH why it exists: they don’t want to exacerbate this problem.

I’m 100% convinced everything involving Mythic+ is intended to make the experiences of the top players better, no matter how much it impacts the experiences of everyone else.

I’m not even really critical of your take - I think you’re 100% right and am liking your post. It’s just sad how little Blizzard gives AF about the experience of non-advanced players and probably why this game cannot attract new blood.

The only difference in rewards between a timed and untimed key is 8 crests.

Same end of dungeon loot.

Same vault credit.

And the key level for the 1 person who had the key (other 4 not impacted).

The loot ilevel doesn’t change? What about the season rewards?

I stopped running them because I get worried that I was going to make an error and cost all my friends their key times. It’s a “me” issue.

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What made this season worse for pugs was a combination of factors.

  1. Time gating M+ while releasing Delves destroyed the on-ramp experience. People were fully decked out in D+8 gear before M+ opened and now they felt like anything below M+7s were a waste of time.
    1.1) Which is a whole other mindset problem where people only see gear and score as progression and not the content itself.
  2. The original +12 affix was +20% bonus tuning and created a big skill wall. This meant of a lot of the top players were dropping keys to farm crests in 8-9s and vault in 10s. This unintentionally carried a lot of players up through the key system.
  3. There’s been a continued growth in streamers doing “viewer keys” where they are literally carrying viewers for more viewers. I get it, but it’s doing more harm than good.

I’d be fine with keys of all levels getting limited charges, 2 or 3, even in place of the 11.1 breakpoints +12 and up.

Nope, just the amount of end of dungeon loot if anything.

Are based on overall rating, untimed 12+ can give the same rating as timed 10s or so. Thing is, unless it is vastly over time, or you already have a higher score for the dungeons, you will always increase in rating.

People need to understand that most players aren’t doing 10’s and up. That’s a very niche minority of players. Most are doing 6’s or 7’s with m0’s and M2’s-m5’s being for learning fundamentals

It doesn’t matter if they are learning fundamentals. It’s still end game content where they can learn with the timer. Do you know how much worse it would be if they didn’t have a timer 2-5 then all of a sudden had to deal with one at 6?

There’s enough room for errors in low keys to make many many mistakes and still time it. If not, then you still have a key to run.

and in higher keys, a lot of the mistakes that break the key can come from trying to rush it.

M0’s are not enough to grasp the dungeons and heroic dungeons don’t even have the same mechanics.

No because if a group wipes on a +2 repeatedly because people don’t know a fight they will feel bad because of the timer

Good thing +2 keys stay as+2 keys if you fail it. You can literally ignore the timer and still get drops, rewards, and vault. If you time it then great you move up, if not you still have a key.

This has nothing to do with the timer and more about people not wanting a wipe fest.

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That’s what delves is for.

They removed the reduced item level for the second drop sometime in DF.

It’s the same drops timed or not.

Vault has always been the same credit timed or not.

I’m not sure what you mean by “season rewards”. A specific rating achievement? That would take rating of course, which is mostly from timed keys but you can still get rating from untimed keys as well depending on how close to timing them you were.

No it’s a good defense. Making changes based on a very small minority is not a good thing.

10-12 keys are middle of the pack players

There are more people completing 10s than either 6s or 7s though.

10-12 has more people in it than the 6-7 range…

Absolutely are. You not paying attention doesn’t make them so.

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Except no one runs M0. The way Blizz decided to do gear this season, and with the addition of delves, makes M0 essentially obsolete. People are naturally going to lean towards the path of least resistance, and high tier delves reward better gear with less effort than M0 does.

You are either deluded or trolling. 50% of WoW players - the middle of the pack - do not participate in 10-12 keys. I suspect even if you remove the zero, you still haven’t removed enough.