Remove the timer on keys under 5

The issue is that what you’re describing is a completely different game mode. There is a place in WoW for that game mode, I’m all for another scaled dungeon environment that lacks a timer (and it’s scaled higher due to the ease this creates). But removing the timer from M+ is the same as removing the mode for those who like it.

lol after reading this everything you post makes more sense. Time to leave the bubble of your friends group

Pure pugger buddy.
And you can go look up on and see the numbers.

Which only serves to tell all those other players how much they dont matter

TLDR people don’t like timers but people who do 15 keys think having no timer in low keys would ruin mythic+

We just think that the alternative to a timer is much much worse.

If you want to keep m+ as it is, only without a timer, you’re just asking for extreme nerfs across the entirity of m+ which is ridiculous.

TLDR: People who dont like timers don’t actually like the challenge that m+ presents and just wants the rewards without the actual challenge


TLDR terrible players dont like timers but it doesnt matter because they are terrible and their opinion is worthless since low keys are a joke and any monkey holding W can time them esp keys under 5. Git gud :+1:

really, terrible idea Amyrii

so people are going to have to deal with even more inexperienced players trying their hand at timed content for the first time in a +6?

in what world…could this feasibly…be considered…a good idea?

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I get frustration hit me if a delve is longer than 30 minutes and that’s on my crappiest geared characters.

I raided years ago but it was with a lot of fun people so maybe I’m answering myself - I used to like multi hour dungeon crawls but today people that raid amaze me .

An hour and a half tops trapped in an instance I’d start incessantly thinking “omg when is this done holy poop this is long” etc