Remove the timer from m+ in Shadowlands

Not quite. Mechagon didn’t scale up. The rewards were crap after a couple weeks of mythic+.

I don’t disagree that a lot of people complained. I happen to think a lot of people like mythic+ and mechagon didn’t feel like mythic+.

It was even longer than a normal dungeon with not very good rewards.

I think the point of such an affix would be to prevent cheesing untimed. Not to make it easy.

you have this with M+. Players find the most optimal trash to mass pull, nuke it all down, then kill bosses (or pull trash on bosses)

If you keep affixes and change the timer to enrage it could also work. Scaling would need to be adjusted. The only real difference is players are punished differently for “failing” the timer. Instead of a flat, “FAIL”,

The enrage could also work similar to bolstering where it affects both health and damage.

It was just an idea for the people that don’t like the M+ timers being a hard timer, and instead make it a soft cap.

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But people complained and it got nerfed before the next reset. It wasn’t after a few weeks of m+. It was like 2 days which was before anyone had time to over gear it.

I had a blast in there the first night. When I went back on another character later in the week they had Ruined it.

Its like you only read the first thing I say in every post and completely ignore my explanation of how it wouldnt work, my God…

There is no timer, you just walk out and get a new member

SO many reasons that wouldnt work I’m not even going to bother

And my friend it would make it impossible faster because at some point you wouldnt be able to progress without ccing things. And if they couldnt be cc’d because of that affix, then you’re just done. No new thing you can do, no new route, no new pull strat, you’re just done because all of those things are only available with a timer or a randomly changing dungeon, which as we have learned from WM is complete garbage

Yeah, I’m not criticizing. It actually sounds fun.

Just to point out that the affix Bolstering does a good job of promoting this game play currently

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I’ve also thought about a ‘leaden feet’ type affix, where the longer a group engages in attacking mobs over X amount, the dps take stacking dps debuff. Say, if you are fighting 8+ mobs for more than 45 seconds, there is a 6 second stacking debuff that reduces all in-combat allies dps by 5%.

Could promote some interesting pulls: “hey we want to pull big here, but we need to use lust, otherwise this pack of 10+ might incur the debuff.” Also would promote a drop-off of combat in between pulls to reset the ‘in-combat’ state.

Edit to add: i’m just throwing numbers out, maybe 60 seconds+ triggers the ‘dps debuff’. The name could be ‘combat fatigue’


Yeah I like his Call Allies idea. I think it’s pretty neat.

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That would be really interesting.

My understanding of M+ and yours is completely different. The route changes with every tank and every run, and the teams i run with are always trying to find new ways. there is a massive gap between low key players and high key players because low key players just use MDI strats. Those dont actually work. the amount of planning and route changing that goes into keys is insane. I have like 20 saved routes for each dungeon in my MDT.

There won’t be tons of players spending 3 hours per dungeon run. It’s only some very few very dedicated players who will put up with all that. They could’ve easily been players buying runs.

It bothers me greatly the amount of people that come in here and said that there would be players who do this, have done this, and are doing it in Torghast and you continue to just blatantly ignore them. THIS WILL HAPPEN. I also do not understand where you’re getting the jealousy aspect from lol

So do I. In timed runs.

Or you can just ignore the timer to complete it and you can still get some decent rewards regardless.

It would have to be more like 20-25 seconds. Even in fortified 20s the 9 pack in FH gets deleted in under 30 seconds

so what? The gear stopped scaling way before that


Good point!

Yes in that post I was just sharing that if untimed was the mode of keying things then it would create degenerate gameplay for teams that push. It would kill pushing keys.

in the current format you still lose even if you “beat” the dungeon

Personally I have suggested a few times to change it so beating a dungeon doesn’t alter your key but if you beat the timer it can go up.

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Do you think Torghast should have a timer on it?

routes change based on affixes and group composition. The same would be if there was an enrage timer, plus affixes.

I’ve done my share of higher keys and multiple different routes because of affixes that I understand M+.

To me a timer, whether its a hard timer as M+ has currently, or an enrage timer as we normally see in raid. They are the same thing to me.

The people that don’t like M+ timers don’t like it because they can’t make the timer of the content they want to do for the reward they think they deserve. Or they simply have anxiety problems that they can’t work past caused by deadlines.