Remove the stupid Vote kick System

Na u mad bro, stay salty. Imagine how bad it felt to do all that typin for us to get RDF and you had wasted so many hours of your life on here. Cope harder!

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Real reply here. (none troll)

Yeah the vote kick system is super shady and its being abused for the smallest thing you do.


99.99% lol . Glad to know that here in Cata we have the nearly perfect community. The most honest, mature and fair player base with 99.99% vote kicks legitimacy rate. Thanks for humoring us.

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You can also add if you are with a group of guildies and you need the same drops they need you have a high chance to be booted.
It is hard for new 85s to get to finish a random since everyone wants to just race to the end so want raid level toons to speed it along.
I don’t even want to heal randoms anymore, the tanks never want to stop to let ya mana back up and some runs i never get above 50% and I am in full raid gear.
Glad i am done grinding valor.
The boot system is defiantly being abused and used for the slightest reason.
DF has become quite toxic and too many times I see the vote to kick request for no reason other than leets want to flex how much better they are.


Absolutely. That’s actually one of the top scenarios I got kicked in. Bunch of people from the same guild. IT’s a great fair system that gives the group with majority to do whatever they want with the minority with 1 click. Totally ridiclous.


If you’re the top DPS and you’re toxic then yeah I can see that being the case.

If everything you’re saying is just antagonistic towards everyone then yeah I can see that person getting kicked.

Not giving people to drink after being told to slow down then yeah I can see that person getting kicked.

If they’re constantly stopping and being AFK then yeah I can see that person getting kicked.

depends how you say it.

This just doesn’t happen.

I read it, and when I do it’s either offline, afk or toxic.

Talk about hyperbole.


Git gud, dim bulb. Given how you have spoken to people in this thread I’m not surprised you got kicked. I’d put you on ignore as well.


I got kicked from a dungeon after it was over because I wanted to turn in the quests and the group tried to requeue immediately lol


They all have a similar name

This is a fair question, which helps determine context. How often are you getting kicked from groups?

Absolute bull crap. But let’s say your bullcrap is right and I am toxic in chat complaining about other ppl low dps. So MAN UP AND BRING IT UP. Put something in the chat. Tell me you are not happy with my behavior before you click the stupid vote kick like a coward without a single word.

I have been playing cata for like a month or so. I have ran maybe 150-200 dungeons total on different toon. I got kicked maybe 10 times or more. And Not even a single time anybody talked about what they weren’t happy about and just pushed the damn button.

Not only that, in Most of these runs I am the only person that cares to drops a “hello” , “what up guys” etc at the beginning of the dungeon and 95% of times nobody says anything. Nothing. Radio silence.

The reality is that kids these days just want to get in get the loot and get out. And the tiniest and smallest of things that doesn’t match their taste or slightly slows them down will result in a vote kick without a single word. What type crappy culture is this. This is not classic.

Yeah so lets complement this shallow culture by giving them a powerful tool so they can kick people anytime they want for the stupidest reasons.


I have been playing Cata (and WoTLK which actually applies here as well) since launch and have used RDF since it was dropped in WoTLK and I have been booted 1 x dungeon in WoTLK (for mouthing off – didn’t care) and 1 x dungeon in Cata (for mouthing off – didn’t care). Each time I knew the possible consequences.

If you have been booted 10+ times in a month, I’m going to say you might want to reflect internally on what is causing this.


so instead we go back to the group leader being a dictator and threatening you with removal on his whims.

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Second thread by OP where I can tell he was kicked for being unpleasant based on his posts here.

Vote kick is fine, you apparently are not.


Gee whiz, it seems to always be the people that take issue with the vote kick system that always seem to be the recipient of the kicks. And, it’s almost like there’s an obvious reason for their removal on display right in their posts. If the behavior you’ve displayed in this thread is exemplary of how you behave in groups, i.e. getting easily offended and subsequently insulting folks, then it shouldn’t be any wonder to you why you’re getting kicked. The system does leave something to be desired, but it also seems to be working as intended in most cases.


For all your complaints about the vote kick sysrem, i can twll you with 100% certainty that rdf would be even worse without it.

Sure it could use some tweaks, but outright removing it is a bad idea.

Your name sound familiar somehow, but whatever. Read the damn posts and try to provide something useful and related, instead of blindly trying to attack me . You are doing exactly the same thing as you do in dungeons. “Oh this guy said something I didn’t like, so I should kick him”.

Read this damn thing below:

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He’s not blindly attacking you… at all. You clearly have issues. It’s obvious to all of us why you’re getting kicked. You’re toxic.

Hmmm wonder why you’re constantly getting kicked.


Never kicked anyone, sorry to burst your bubble. Also didn’t attack you at all. Frankly the only one attacking anyone here is you and you alone.

I did read your expletive filled rant and my statement stands. If you’re being this abrasive here, you likely were kicked for being abrasive in a dungeon run. Either that or you’re just lying. Nothing you have said here in endearing anyone to your cause.


LoL you hopped on your the other account and replying now ?? Ridiculous. Not surprised from a fake vote kicker.

You clearly love the vote kick system cuz it let you and your pathetic guildies kick people so you have a better chance of getting the items you want. Coward abusers.

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