Remove the player Auction House

I didn’t list it correct, I didn’t miss it however your are correct account selling is an issue, but I consider it a separate issue like item banking for real life gold would be. It doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be addressed but they don’t have the same dynamics as gold selling does.

Sorry kiddo but Chaos-Bolt has declared war on the gdkp trash. Your tears are no match for an automated report system haha

You want to remove player trading and the AH? Talk about a quick way to kill the game, bottlenecking players into gathering profesions, which they’d likely not want, creating undesirable gameplay.

Gold sellers don’t disrupt my gameplay at all, I have plenty of gold, I can farm nodes comfortably (mining and fishing specifically) and I don’t GDKP. How are gold sellers disrupting your gameplay?

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Im not on Chaos-bolt and I already said I havent done a single GDKP in SOD lol not really planning on it either tbh, but I dont see anything wrong with them. From what I can tell anyone complaining about GDKP’s are salty losers who think that if people werent running GDKP’s they would find groups easier lmfao.

Wrong cornball. One is created by blizzard, and the incentive to buy gold to use it is a small amount, and if its not then youre usually buying one item and done.

The other is created by the community, buying gold every single week to participate, while distributing 100s of botted gold into multiple people, and if it was gone. Surprise everyone can still raid the normal way

I swear you have some of the goofiest takes ive seen on these forums

Ok and removing the ah, people can still find loot the usual way. Your point doesnt work.
Both incentivise gold buying. Like usual you guys make baseless claims…

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Alternate solution: Put a multiplier cap on goods.

Item vendors for 20s.
Capped listings at 500%.
Item cannot be posted for more than 1g.

Guarantees that AH inflation won’t drive up prices. People can still trade high, but that’s a higher burden of effort.

maybe we’re going about this all wrong… Blizzard recently removed the authenticator from their inventory. But is allowing for phone app authenticator to be use to secure your login… So is it possible to add or assign a phone number to your account or to a single character. This way those creating bots would have to use a phone number to be allowed online/in game. IE: once registered, one number per account (max 5 chars) or add a single phone number to a single char etc… I suspect this would reduce the bot flow as those suppling these bots would have to generate millions of phone numbers to be able to access the world… The thing is phone number would be randomly checked just to verify it’s actually your number. sending a code etc and responding back etc In other words, I’m getting this type of security code via Amazon and other sites. I suspect if something like this was implemented bots would be cut in half or more.

dont care
ban gdkps

Not really, they used to perma ban gold buyers, which made it very uncommon, but that policy was changed in 2012, and then even further changed when new management/ceo/dev took over.

Problem is gold buying has no punishment, famous streamers just got the gold removed, no ban or loss of any kind.

reg people get slaps on the wrist 3 day temp bans, it’s a joke. Perma bans are required.

The gold sellers are not the problem, the players are, the buyers are, and the failed action by the developer to punish said buyers.

Bots will go away if there is no market or small market, when all their customers stop buying due to harsh punishment

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so true, unfortunately; blizzard wants in this market. they want the wow token to be demanded. and gdkpers are happy to oplige.

yeah, it’s just common sense, old school Blizzard actually did a good job with that, when wow was new, you would get perma banned or harsh punishment for cheating/rmt.

They even sued one of the botting companies, the old Glider case.

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