Remove the player Auction House

These posts are what keep me coming back to SOD forums :joy:

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Apparently I am not. You think that a solution for that is to stop trading all together and shut down the auction house.

I think a better solution is for Blizzard to put more time and resources into removing the bots all together while keeping the integrity and fun of the game.

Regarding your suggestion that it would stop bots from farming camp spots. If you can’t trade or sell on the AH, then why would you need to free the camp spots of bots if it’s pointless for you to go there yourself? Unless it’s a very specific upgrade for your class and spec, there’s no need to farm the item as you simply can’t sell it on the AH or trade it to someone.

Your raid spot is not affected by a GDKP. If GDKPs stop, then those raids don’t exist and the people that go to them are not going to raid. What, you think they will just start to randomly pug and roll on items? There’s a reason those people buy gold and spend it. They either don’t have the time or patience to get the gear and want it now now now. If you bothered to play other video games, you’d see this is a HUGE modern day MMO mentality. There is no way those people are going to resort back to pugging for rolls and EVEN if they did, they are going to start hard reserving items (which is already a thing anyways). I don’t buy gold, I don’t pug and I don’t go to GDKPs. I made friends, formed a static group that meets every few days and we clear the raid in about 35 minutes or so. There is nothing in the game, right now, that is preventing you from doing that.

What over inflated items are on the auction house? Give examples. And going back to my original question, how exactly do those items help you compete? Who are you competing against and what are you competing for? 27 honor for winning a random world pvp encounter? You want the auction house shut down so you have a better chance at winning a random pvp encounter for a few honor? On the off chance the person that happened to kill you is indeed a gold buyer and GDKP buyer?

Your anti-community statement is an opinion and doesn’t relate to my original question of who you are competing against. You are competing against anti-community people? To do what?

The only thing remotely close to answering my question of “Who are you competing against and what for” is the random pvp encounter for 27 honor. The rest is just fluff or raid spot problems that you can solve on your own. Which is odd coming from you with five recorded BFD raid logs, all with the same guild who has 75 recorded players on its roster.

But please, continue to educate me.

Its literally the same argument for people demanding gdkps be banned lol.
Both are normal game features affected heavily by botters, but people are smooth brains and have an irrational hate for gdkps.

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You can put that pipe down anytime now, son.

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I truly don’t understand how bots or gold buying/selling is hindering anyone from their actual gameplay besides the bots farming mobs near quests and at most it just takes a few more minutes to complete because of them lol. Other than that my gameplay hasn’t been affected one bit.

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Yeah I haven’t done a single GDKP in SOD and guess what? The GDKP groups haven’t affected my gameplay a single bit and I have 4 geared characters with 3 of them top 100 world parses lol. What’s hilarious is this is only the beginning. I can guarantee GDKPs will be more prevalent down the road. This is only level 25 lol. People are bored and have 10 level 25s

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This sounds like cope.

“They only killed me because he payed for the gear not because I’m terrible at the game!!!”

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You can really tell who is new to this kind of thing (like the original poster) as these types of forum posts have continued to randomly pop up in the classic forums since Vanilla Classic release in 2019.

It’s always some new player that has never been to the forums or hasn’t played the game much, coming here to complain about some problem that is 10+ years old and is just utterly shocked that Blizzard has “begun” to let this happen. As if bots and gdkps are some new thing that Blizzard has recently let get out of control.

Every now and then you get a gem, like this one, that has someone coming up with some Elon Musk revolutionary idea without putting any thought into modern day gaming expectations.

This topic is like a two lane highway
 stop buying goods from the AH.

If they remove the AH, wouldn’t that just increase the social aspect of the game? Having to post in trade whenever you want to buy or sell anything sounds like a great social activity.

Just imagine it, not only would that make trade chat full of activity, but you will have the opportunity to meet and befriend loads of new people as you trade face to face! You’ll build a community of traders, gatherers and crafters where reputation is key!

We could even organize epicly huge “farmers market” type of events every Saturday where people line up outside of Stormwind / Orgrimmar to peddle their goods!

I’m not really sure how I feel personally about RMT and how it affects my own gameplay. I mean, it does seem obvious to me that there are a lot of people who would prefer to pay some money for some gold or in-game services and not have to spend time doing anything in-game for it themselves. And of course those actions contribute to bots, and other things that I may or may not be aware of (I’m sure there are several things that I have no idea I have no idea about).

Anyway, I think it would probably be better if no bots existed and no RMT ever happened, but I don’t know if that’s actually true, and I don’t know if I should care if some other guy is buying gold or character level boosting services or whatever else

The number of times that I have been affected in-game by what I believe was a bot in a way that caused my gameplay enjoyment to be diminished is one. And it was relatively easy to avoid, though it could have been a real player doing the same thing (farming something in an area) and I would have reacted the same way (farmed in a different area) as a result.


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According to this guy we should just stop buying goods in real life that are made by machines because they took peoples jobs!!! What’s hilarious is people think bots raise prices, which in some cases they do, but overall they lower them. Try being on a dead server with no bots and tell me the difference in prices of full servers lol. It happened throughout wow history. Maybe not now because SOD is still healthy but the moment a server dies this new guy will see.

This is coming from someone who lives in the game without buying from the AH and I do very well. Maybe this is just the thing needed to spur crafters into making items for others instead of buying from the AH. Just remove the concept or idea that the economy is based on coins
 remove the gold/silver & copper but put a value on items and trade with others based on this value.

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Technically yes, but the original poster also stated removing the ability to trade gold with people too.

Ahh, missed that - but even better! Look at PoE, they have no gold at all and somehow make trading work.


Now that would be sick!

Thats better!

Generally your arguments would sound more credible if I hadn’t already seen WoW before the gold sellers became so prevalent, if I hadn’t thrived in that community. I’ve seen the detrimental impact of the gold sellers as has the rest of the community (with of course some obvious exceptions).

I disagree with you on GDKP, you are correct that you can form your own group, but you still miss the impact the GDKP crowed is having due to an out of game economy.

I don’t need to give examples of the auction house, there are thousands of items and I’d consider that a separate discussion. It’s fair to say it’s inflated towards those spending additional real life currency on in game currency, and that inflation is obviously creating a larger than normal disparity on the more desired items, producing more pressure to spend the additional real life currency rather than spend time we don’t have. This does also impact raid participation. You can disagree if you like, neither of us have quantitative data or prove the point, so it’s a qualitative discussion and we can disagree on what the available (to us) evidence says.

I’ve already stated my anti-community stance in the previous post, I’m not sure why you have questions, maybe re-read it and think about it.

Perhaps we see competing differently, I mean it in a general sense of competing for time and resource. I’d also note it’s not just items, but materials, mobs, time to completion not in a race to win sense, but in an available time per day or play session sense. I think the context of my comments warrants this general definition.

I saved the first for last, I agree that it’s a better solution for Blizzard to put more time and resources into removing the bots. Why would I not agree? Blizzards says they can’t win with this method, they even tried a different method on Retail with the Game Token. I said this is the ‘least bad’ solution, with all expectation it’s whispering into the wind. So there’s not much to talk about with your already tried for almost 20 years suggestion, which is what started me down this road in the first place.

Keep moving maybe you’re catching up.

You typed all of that and basically avoided my questions. No examples of over priced items on the auction house that affect competition and your definition of competing against other players in an online mmo is basically to save personal time.

You’re playing the wrong game.

Except you missed 1 part. Account selling. So you just sell the account with gold attached like how people did it back in vanilla-cata.

This ain’t EQ, son, and that type of player interaction is too time consuming and inefficient.

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