Remove the player Auction House

Since Blizzard has failed for close to 20 years now to stop gold sellers, which most agree is a huge degradation of game play. Removing the Player Auction House and Player gold trading at least temporarily until a new system could be put in place would seem to stop the worse issue of Gold sellers.

Temporarily a NPC based Auction House could be put in place where when you sell to a vendor the items get put into a rate based on rarity in the AH. Some details would need to be worked out to make sure it doesn’t totally break gameplay.

The problem with Gold Sellers is just totally ruining the end game experience, it tears giant holes in the wall of real life and the gaming world.

Eh… 2/10 on the trolling. I’ve seen better and there’s no reason why you can’t do better. The only reason I didn’t give you a 1/10 is because you have zero previous posts.


What is the point of this post other than to troll? You know Blizzard is not going to remove the AH.


That would probably be even better for bots as they don’t need to worry about competition or other issues lmao. plus just like in RS there will be bots in town advertising items they have to sell.

They wouldn’t be able to sell anything if you read my post. There would be no Gold transactions at all between players it would all go through NPC vendors.

If gold sellers fight out a way to store items and make a profit then that could be addressed later.

As for the troll, I assure you this is no troll. Blizzard hasn’t done anything effective in the ‘Classic’ space to stop gold sellers and I’m arguing my proposal is less of a detriment to the game than the impact gold sellers are currently having.

I’m not saying it’s good, I’m saying it’s least bad.

I’d note it would identify them quickly as they’d have no reason to be paying out account fees.

I expect it would also strengthen the community, and this ‘Classic plus’ arena is a great place to test it.

If I’m wrong, they could turn it back on in a later phase, so it be ‘temporary’ if it didn’t work out.

Nah let him cook. I wanna see where he goes with this.

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Cook what? This is 100% a troll or the guy is so new that he has absolutely no idea what a GDKP is. He thinks that a majority of the gold buyers spend their money on AH items? Besides, even IF Blizzard removed the auction house then Stormwind would just turn into the East Commons Tunnel for selling and buying.

Bonus points if people understand what I mean by that.

wtf is up with these forums just randomly quoting people LOL

Again you didn’t read my post, players will not be able to trade gold, they would need to just sell to an NPC.

Do yourself a favor take a minute and actually read and think through what I said, rather than attack and accuse me spuriously.

Honestly dude? Your suggestion is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on these forums. And I really mean that.

Your solution to a problem is to penalize people on normal game features, because the company that runs the game can’t / won’t put time and resources into eliminating the problem properly.

It’s like saying that the only way to stop drunk driving is to just ban vehicles and no one on the planet is allowed to have one.

Blizzard is getting ready to release a server just like that, where the only items you get are personally acquired


No, they aren’t.

SSF is releasing on the existing Hardcorpse servers.

Ummm, ok, sorry professor :woman_teacher:

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You seem especially upset by this suggestion. Look man, it’ll save you some real life money in the long run.

Being uninformed isn’t a problem.

It’s ignorance that’ll get you.

It’s pride that’ll get you

That’s very hyperbolic. It’s a game we’re not talking about life and death.

I’d note a couple of things, I’m talking about the Classic Season of Discovery track as a test bed. It’s not some tragic game break life altering scope or suggestion.

It’s about finding a new and better path in the Classic space that doesn’t involve competing with someone that out spends you in real life as not only an advantage, but a determent to the game experience you have.

yea, what I’m suggestion has issues, actually a lot of them. But we can’t discuss them if we’re not willing to explore how it might, or might not work in some detail.

Just attacking the suggestion isn’t helpful.

I’ll give you some hints.

In such a system where player gold is transacted though a NPC system, what are the issues and how could they be solved or mitigated?

  1. current item buy and sell cost - does this need to be adjusted? if so how.
  2. Player tradeskills, how will this impact, how to mitigate the impact?
  3. Impact of item availability across the player base.
  4. Selling of access to BoP items should be highly mitigated, but there are likely workarounds, what are those, are they viable and how could this be address.

is there a better system that could arise either directly or indirectly though exploring this new system, TBD.

Who exactly are you competing with in Classic WoW Season of Discovery? Are you a speed runner or world first raid competitor?

Oh my!

No worries for y’all then.

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You are not very good at this.

The camp spot where items drop, that’s being farmed all the time by gold sellers. I’d note my suggestion doesn’t completely remove this type of contention.

The Raid spot where everyone is spending GDKP to get into.

The players on lockout that spend real life money to get a spot that aren’t available to help on a raid.

The over inflated item prices that are over-inflated because it’s a business.

The world PvP encounters where someone is geared far ahead because they paid real life money for raid spots and gold, far beyond the about $15usd that most others pay.

The anti-community building aspect that is driven by the out of game business, where players achieve not through community relationships, but business relationships.

Yea, its’ just a game and I likely won’t be here long.

But that doesn’t mean Blizzard couldn’t do better, it just might be hard. I’m saying that this ‘Classic plus’ is a real opportunity to explore real fixes.

I do however think it is highly unlikely there will be change, well beyond any value of you taking the time to argue with me like this, for any concern I might have some tangible influence on Blizzard’s plans or actions. :slight_smile: