Remove the Draconian Level 50 Group Finder Requirement

I dunno, according to GD, getting an authenticator is either a pita or literally impossible. :man_shrugging:

The PITA is the added hassle and risk of reclaiming an account tied to a device that is easily lost, stolen, replaced or destroyed when email verification already works fine. Not something you have to worry about with a throw away add bot.

Me and my sub 50 alts have been complaining about this change since the day it went live. It’s beyond silly that I have to skip content because I can’t solo everything under the sun on every class below level 50 >:(

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I used to be in the guide channel but couldn’t stand it for more than an hour because it was filled with advertisers, so that’s not a viable solution imo.

Nuking the lvl 50 requirement makes the most sense.

Didn’t even know this was a thing until last night trying to kill Doomwalker. Need to find a group now since no one is killing it now :unamused:

You mean level 10’s are responsible for what your playerbase did and should be punished by making it impossible to group to do elite quests or kill elites like Doomwalker?

Some zones have elite quests that block further quests. This means players must abandon those zones to continue questing.

I’m sorry, how it is “my” playerbase? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Did you even read my complaints about having to deal with this issue, too?


It’s everybody’s playerbase. It’s not the fault in any way of level 10’s that are trying to do elite quests but unable due to the fact that a restriction was implemented to keep sub-50’s from grouping to do these quests.

I complained at the time and have brought it up many times since. But the last thing I would dream of doing would be to blame the current victims of this stupid policy that was implemented because it would be easy to implement and never had any effect whatever on what they claimed it was supposed to fix.

Since they never removed the restriction, I think it is safe to assume that the purpose of the restriction was to force levelers to find groups by using general chat, which is one of those “RPG elements from the roots of wow” that devs seem to be so enamored with. And if they hadn’t fractured the playerbase and driven so many players away from the game, there might actually be players in those zones.

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I hope that’s not the case, otherwise that’s incredibly short-sighted. That’s especially problematic for dead realms.

Good thing we don’t see those anymore, oh wait!! They still exist.

To be frank I am absolutely fed up with Blizzard punishing legitimate players in a futile effort that lets bots and criminals get the golden end of the deal.

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And I’ve said as much. usually 2-6 are up.

But it used to be more than half the listings in m+ before the level requirements. And I suspect that’s the real barrier to mass spamming, having to invest the time into leveling spam bots.

Really there should just be a paid runs area and zero tolerance for listing a website with RMT in any form.

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Bots just buy boosts with stolen credit cards. I didn’t notice a massive dent in ads when the restriction went live, albeit there was certainly an impact. The auth+sms has been far more of an impact though.

Sources? This isn’t 2000 anymore. Bank fraud heuristics are pretty good at spotting and blocking this type of thing. Machine learning and all.

In M+? That’s definitely not what I observed. The massive decline was when the level restrictions went in. Before the level restrictions I would be reporting 10-30 spammers, since then it’s been 2-6.

Here’s the thing.

RMT services aren’t illegal. They are against the terms of service but they aren’t illegal. You can’t go to jail for offering carries for money.

And if they are RMT services they have a vendor relationship with bank to collect payments.

Blizzard also has vendor relationships with banks to collect payments.

So at the very least “This account was paid for with a stolen card” is going to be the quickest no questions asked way to get that account locked.

And if there’s substantial fraudulent activity with a particular vendor that turns the legal business into an illegal activity and puts those vendor relationships for payment at severe risk, brings in additional heat from blizzard and adds criminal liability.

So while I’m sure credit card fraud happens, I’d be very skeptical that it’s a systemic issue here.

Don’t really care about your opinion when there’s a blue, who has information that we don’t have, essentially stating that stolen payment methods are used.

In any case, who cares about that subject in this thread? Unless you think auth+sms is ineffective, it’s a no-brainer to get rid of the level restriction so sub-level 50s can actually form groups.

I am one of those “victims,” so I don’t even understand your point.

No, it was implemented to stop carry sellers from using LFG on lowbie toons.

I’ve been in the guide channel since I think day 1 and haven’t seen anyone actually using it.

That all said, I’ve leveled more toons than most and even at sub 50 levels, I get my elite quests done nearly all the time…either you are good enough to solo them with some trickery or even just calling out if anyone else needs it. I think only Wrath too has questlines in Icecrown still locked behind completing and even that may be out of date info now (I haven’t picked Wrath to level in for a long time now…Cata is my jam because I got the world to myself and a plethora of dungeons that all have massive XP quests too).