Remove the Debuff Cap / Buff Cap, Make WoW Fun Again!

You say soulstones are free… I say they’re not free… your response: “nothing is”

Okay, dude.

Yes, but if YOUR definition of viable is different from ours, there can be no exchange of ideas because the context isn’t defined, so what is YOUR definition of viable?

Reductionist takes are commonly unsatisfying, yes. My first statement was made in the good faith that your self control could prevent you from taking the discussion through such debasement.

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LOL. I can’t…I just can’t. You’re joking, right?

This thread was made to say classes aren’t viable. Actually, the OP was even more severe since he used the term ‘playable’. Can’t even play the game, according to him.

So I ask what class isn’t viable and…no answer. How can I do anything but laugh at this point?

If you seriously can’t answer a simple god damned question, I honestly feel awful for any educator that’s ever had the displeasure of having to force themselves to help you.

If you define for me what you believe “viable” means, I can tell you what class is viable or not based on your particular definition.

You’re forgetting a choice word now, Zaalg. It starts with the letter ‘P’

Yes, perfectly viable. Every class is perfectly viable.

So I’ll ask again: which class isn’t?

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Define viable.

You are making the claim all classes are viable. DEFINE viable.

For the 3rd time, YOU GUYS are saying classes aren’t viable. So you go ahead and define that.

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There you go again with your fictitious claims!

You are making the claim.

You are saying all classes are viable. What does viable mean?

Why is it fictitious?

See post #14

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Removing the debuff limit and raid buffs would be awesome, just adds a toxic element to the game that doesn’t need to be there. They only did it back in 2004 due to tech limitations.

Having some of the less playable specs be actually playable in an actual raid setting would be fun. Blizzard back in 2004 didn’t really understand tuning or lacked the perspective to care about it, which is why we have this issue today and some players have taken that perspective as gospel and cannot see what the game would be past that.

Debuffs and world buffs only hurt the game atm. So many people quit once they hit 60 for a reason because they realise their class is gimped or they don’t want to be forced into healing which is an experience I’ve had personally. I would love to see a classic + server with some balances but we have a few too many vocal classic Andy’s to probably allow it to happen. So Turtle wow it is

I’ll ask for the 7th time.

What class isn’t viable? Since this thread (and you) are saying classes aren’t viable.
Ok, so what classes aren’t viable?

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Viability depends on context.

If the context is performing better or equal to your peers, some classes are not viable.

Pedal harder!

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Again, you have no answer. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So I guess we’ll just agree every class is viable, since you can’t list a single one that isn’t.

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You’re flip-flopping again. Make a statement and stand by it.

I did. Every class is viable.

If you disagree, ok. So what class isn’t viable?

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