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I can only list what I believe is viable in terms of my own personal definition of viable in this context.

If you don’t define what your understanding of viable is, there’s no way to find an understanding.

You refuse to define a single f***ing word for who knows what reason.

Now, now. You and I both know that’s not what you claimed earlier.

That’s exactly what I claimed.

And your 14 post here…

What are you saying here? That the warrior class isn’t raid viable? That’s what you’re going with? What does the hybrid tax have to do with anything? It doesn’t.

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It’s clear you are in way over your head, and lack the IQ to partake because you completely don’t even see what he’s saying.

Really? I’m in over my head?

This thread: Some classes aren’t viable to raid.

Me: Ok, what classes aren’t viable to raid with?

47 posts yelling at ME to define viable, when that was the point of this thread. The onus isn’t on me. People are here saying classes aren’t viable to raid with. Yet they can’t list a single class that falls into that category.

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Can you do, at the very least, the good faith act of defining what you think viable means? You keep saying that “all classes are perfectly viable” and I have no idea what you actually mean by that.

If you need a refresher, go back to your original post in this thread and note the operative ‘P’ word you can’t help but to neglect sticking with. It’s in post #10.

Yes, PERFECTLY viable. Every class is perfectly viable to raid with. That is right.

Do you disagree? Ok, what class isn’t?

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Wrong, as explained in post #14.

Nope. You didn’t explain anything in post 14. You said something about a hybrid tax, which didn’t even exist in Vanilla.

So, again, what class isn’t perfectly viable to raid with?

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I defined the word you continually misuse and told you of the imperfection in warriors.

Druids. Hunters. Warlocks, are a good example of classes that are not viable.

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Ok, why not? Druids, warlocks and hunters aren’t taken to raids then?

They’re unnecessary in a vast majority of cases, but you refuse to define viable so the discussion can’t really continue until you actually define the damn word.

You’re truly ignorant of this game’s history.

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The hybrid tax was a TBC and later invention. Classes were viable to do every role in a raid environment, just not at the same level as pure dps classes.

That wasn’t the case in Vanilla, where very obviously certain classes were meant to be in certain roles. There’s a reason healer class tier sets are all based on healing.

Pure fiction

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He’s right.

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. That is not what the hybrid tax was.

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It’s funny when I talk with people who didn’t actually play back then. I played Vanilla. I played TBC. I remember when ‘hybrid tax’ came into the nomenclature. It was TBC, not Vanilla.

It predates WoW you dope. And yes, vanilla was heavily influenced by it.