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That’s not how Blizzard’s logic worked. Anything…can tank but that doesn’t necessarily make them a tank in the eyes of blizzard’s definition.

I mean, yes. This is true. Priests are a hybrid.

  1. That’s not how Blizzard’s logic worked. Anything can tank but that doesn’t mean they are a “tank” defined by roles allowed to them. There’s “tank”, the verb, and “tank” as in the noun. You’re confusing the two.

  2. Do you have some sort of strange compulsion to end every single post with " :expressionless:"?

As an aside: rogues in early design did in fact have a kit for tanking/off-tanking with tiny bucklers. This obviously never stuck around but during that time it would be accurate to describe them as hybrids.

Priests also originally had a melee tanking spec (the original “monk” design intention from alpha Discipline talents).

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It’s the face he is stuck permanently with because he’s hardstuck on Onyxia.

now you people are saying priests, the pure healing class, are a hybrid. forget shadow spec, with your logic priests are a hybrid because they have the smite ability, and a few talents that increase smite damage :expressionless:
you are hopeless and belong in wrath/retail.

Tell yourself whatever you need to big guy. All my conceptual ducks are in a row.

You have a case, there’s some truth to it but its not the truth. The truth is your locked into your own crap fiction and use this forum for toilet paper.

It’s not our fault you are arguing against an indisputable fact.

The only classes that are not hybrids are Mages, Locks, Hunters, and Rogues.

“Cats are not mammals! Go back to vanilla”

I am going to keep adding the disclaimer that hybrid tax is not and should never be a thing in vanilla.

locks and hunters can tank with their pet. talents to improve pet tankiness as well. hybrid.
rogues can tank and can even spec for tanking with improve evasion talents!! hybrid

Your examples are irrelevant.

Hybrid doesn’t mean that they CAN do something.

Hybrid means that they can SPEC into an entire tree designed around doing something.

Rogue 3 specs

Priest 3 specs
= Hybrid

Warrior 3 specs
= Hybrid

Paladin 3 specs
= Hybrid

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You aren’t listening (reading).

Can you read things before responding to them with a counter argument?

Can we acknowledge that the warrior trees for tanking and dps is still melee dps which makes warriors a unique case or nah?

The problem is that being melee or not is irrelevant to the term “hybrid”.

Druids are hybrids because they can spec for damage, spec for tanking, or spec for healing.

They aren’t hybrids because they can spec for ranged dps, or melee dps.

I can’t do that lol. That’s just a flaw with how warriors are more effective tanks with a damage spec. But that’s part of what makes vanilla great, and why there should be no hybrid “tax”.

Noted. What other class changes roles yet still operates out of the same paradigm?

I see what you’re trying to get at. You’re trying to cut to the heart of what the entire discussion should be focused on, and I agree.

Warriors in vanilla are special. Absolutely 100% special, and there’s no rhyme or reason to it. They are above the stated logic given to us by Blizzard which suggests that, at least specifically in regards to Warriors, that something different was running through their minds when designing it.

I think depending on your perspective, that’s either a huge flaw in Vanilla that hurts the experience, or it’s a funny/interesting quirk about it that sort of increases the potential fantasy of what you can do on…any class you play, potentially.

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I dont see it as much as a flaw as much as it has to do with warriors only being able to hit things in close combat. The only other classes that operate in a similar vain are the pure classes.

In other words, warriors kind of have no choice but to operate somewhere between pure class and pure hybrid while being neither.

If you are basing your definition on specs that means you have the retail mentality. Vanilla is designed around classes, not specs :expressionless:

No, druids are hybrids because they can do all that stuff WITHOUT SPENDING A SINGLE TALENT POINT :expressionless:

I am basing my definition on Blizzards definition of hybrids that they gave DURING VANILLA. It’s not MY definition.

And yes, vanilla is designed around classes, which is why hybrid TAX shouldn’t happen. But the fact that the game is designed around classes and not specs does not change what is or is not a hybrid.

It’s all about the fact that warriors can Specialize and fill a separate role in the raid.

Tank and Damage are separate roles, even if a tank does damage it doesn’t change that.