Remove the ability to respec

See? And now he’ll be stuck repeating the same line over and over. Simple as pie.

It’s literally what you do.

Where’s that willi-e poll, I know you got it on you bot.

Tanking in-game is no different than tanking on the forums. Just /taunt and the rest is history.


Thanks for helping me derail another dual spec thread. :slight_smile:

Wait, what are you admitting to something here?

See, OP? This what the anti-Dual Spec folks gotta do. Empathy basically admitting he’s derailing the thread on purpose.

I’m admitting that I enjoy having you respond.

You’re predictable. You’re in every single one of these threads, and I live in your head rent free.

You do 1 of 2 things:

You post scuffed information which I call out which works great for me.

Or you derail the thread with me. Sure it’s bumped, but to pull a big heist you need to take a small hit.

Thank you. So much actually.

Your true NPC mind let’s me use your time to help derail these threads. You contribute literally 50% of the derail with asinine comments and posts for some silly little laugh that only you and other boomers find funny.

So cope and seethe for me bot :slight_smile:

Takes two to tango.

Gawd, that was easy!

I even projected I don’t even his read stuff and he still writes whole paragraphs! :laughing:

Indeed it was.

How many people here are talking about dual spec? No one. It’s you and I going back and forth over nothing.

Thank you Kumasama, easiest bait of my life.

Best part, even with you knowing this, you’ll still respond to me in every single one of these threads, and I’ll respond to you knowing you can’t resist letting me live in your head rent free.

True NPC energy.

Last line, always look the final line. Everything else is hot air.

God you’re so easy. :slight_smile:

To sum up the pro dual spec argument:

Dual spec reasons:

  1. I want it and reckon everyone else does too.
  2. There’s already been other changes so why not just give me what I want.
  3. You can not prove beyond any doubt that giving me what I want will utterly destroy the game.

Argument against Dual spec:

  1. I’m not convinced.

Yup, that’s totally what’s going on!


I get why people want dual spec, but all the cope arguments are trash and unfounded.

Then you have mongs going “these 500 heart reacts means a substantial amount of people want it” lol

True cognitive dissonance.

Did you see the actor made a cameo appearance on The Blacklist?

It is, you’re literally here trying to “get one” over on me, and derailing this thread, npc.

Continue DPS, Redshadowz. I’ve taunted the enemy and they’re focused on me!

You are free to use whatever means necessary to push us through the dungeon.

Christ the virgin energy is strong. Derail it harder though.

Yeah, totally! That’s what’s happening! :+1: