Remove the ability to respec

So long as things stay in the realm of just personal whim, it is just blue vs red talk, which is uninteresting.

Where things get interesting is when people attempt to justify those whims to more than just a whim. Sometimes it is successful and follows accordingly, sometimes it isn’t.


Naw. Today is definitely a beer day.

Slow day at work? You guys are exhausting…

I work at home. I sit at my desk 8 or more hours a day.

The examiner I had to deal with today was very slow and dry and boring and even though I got everything I needed out of her, it took hours to get there. Ugh. Federal government.

Oh and 99% of my work is online/computer.

Me too. You all have invested a significant amount of time and energy on this thread. You all should have a couple of levels of forum xp by now. Maybe we could come up with a system where you could spend your forum xp in game on something…like maybe a respec (sorry, I couldn’t resist :sunglasses:)

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Fair enough. I would not argue that typing is probably more entertaining than dealing with anyone in the federal government.

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Okay, that’s stuff.

Now, as an exercise, how would you engage in a topic where you are asked to offer an opinion on whether they should, say, decide to completely port the modern UI to TBCC? Since you called that out as something you’d actually be disenfranchised from the game over.

Would you have words to say on whether it should or shouldn’t be added or is your opinion that the discussion is meritless, and has no point of existing since Blizzard hasn’t spoken directly to it yet?


Yeah, but it’s not really that simple. If people quit because they change the curtains blue, it’s more than just “Red vs Blue”, it’s “This is not what I want for my curtains so I’ll go look at different curtains”.

So the real question is if it would be worth it to Blizzard to piss off anyone who doesn’t want the curtains to be blue.

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Who knows.

I’m very, very, very interested to hear of any known circumstance in which you felt strongly about something and came out feeling corrected, lmao.

Not really. This is mostly 101 type stuff.

This is stuff I usually dedicate significant amounts of time and energy to:

just don’t invite rogues to the group.

I wasn’t aware there even existed rogues to invite.

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I did a long time ago. Lost that fight. So I stopped paying for my subscription. If the game isn’t what I want it to be, I vote with my wallet.

Doesn’t mean I ignore the fact that feedback exists and Blizzard uses it to gauge what they do next. Dual Spec, from all accounts, is popular. If Blizzard doesn’t implement it, that’ll surprise me given overwhelming support for it would entail people paying for the product would be given that much more of an incentive to pay for it.

But there’s no domino affect for me. I don’t look at Retail and say, “this is all bad” like so many other people seem to assume when anything about Classic changes.

People are liable to quit if nothing changes either. How many people in #NoChanges Classic WoW cleared MC and Ony never stayed around to do BWL, AQ40, and Naxx?

5 years ago I was convinced Twitter was going the way of the dinosaur. :sweat_smile:

Incidentally, around that same time, I thought Donald Trump was never going to become President of the United States.

Normally the examiners are pretty chill since they’re just research nerds anyway, but every now and then you get some real sticklers about stuff and you have to PAINSTAKINGLY walk them through what you mean and how they’re going about everything wrong.

It isn’t supposed to be adversarial but phew, they can make it feel that way easily.

If people quit over blue, and they never give more reasoning than “I just hate blue”, even Blizzard can’t do much with that.

If Blizzard isn’t aware of any substantive opposition to blue, not sure they’d take the “pissed off” anti-blue people very seriously at any point after.

You mean a situation where I changed my mind? Or a situation where I had a point of view, people opposed that point of view, and I was vindicated?

Not sure which you’re trying to refer to, sentence is kinda awkward.

This is golden, I’m dying lmao. Watching all of you think OP is serious terrifies me :joy:

Well I’d argue that there’s a figure you’re ignoring that is relevant, let’s modify your RedvsBlue scenario even further.

Let’s say the curtains are already red. So these aren’t blank curtains where we are deciding “Hmmm…red or blue?”.

These are red curtains and the discussion whether we should paint over that red and make them blue.

Now there’s a bit more context as to why people who think red > blue might be annoyed. The curtains were already red, and now some are suggesting they be blue. Does that mean red-lover are just being irrational because they should simply accept that change can happen at any time without warning or their personal guidance? I mean, I guess so, but they can still vote with their wallet either way, whether it’s a poor or solid reason to do so.

So now let’s say that the people who want to change the curtains to blue likely won’t decide to go find new curtains if the curtains just stay red.

We don’t know how many of those people there are…my guess is that’s most people here who support dual spec, or all, in fact. If we extract that to be close to all people who support dual spec…then we’re in a predicament where…

Curtains are red. People who like red curtains could potentially be annoyed enough to quit if the curtains are changed to blue. People who want the curtains to be blue haven’t quit despite the curtains already being red and are unlikely to quit if they stay red.

Isn’t the logical decision in this scenario to just leave them red?

Curious of your take there.

It’s not. I’m curious about a situation where you were passionate about something to the point that you felt the need to engage much in the way you have here, and someone presented a counter-argument, and one way or another you wound up recognizing that their argument was better than yours and you were potentially just wrong or misguided.

It’s not a ridiculous analogy it’s making the red vs blue scenario almost 1:1 to dual spec come on man :sweat_smile:

Remove the ability to play the game

This is just an is-ought fallacy as presented, which is why it isn’t a figure I need to pay attention to.

Not if there isn’t a compelling reason to keep them red and there exists a compelling reason to change them to blue, which would be whatever compelling reason Blizzard decides. I don’t operate under any assumption that sacred cows exist in this game so even longstanding features can be spit-roasted tomorrow if Blizzard so chooses.

There’s no logic to any of this than the fallacy of “because red is, red ought to remain” which doesn’t follow.

None come to mind on these boards. I know there have been instances where I’ve recalled things incorrectly or cited the wrong number or the wrong item or similar, but I wouldn’t call those discussions passionate by any stretch.

To put it very bluntly, most people on these boards that try to challenge me or anyone else on really heated topics very rarely, if ever, actually wrestle with any underlying principles. Typically the principle goes ignored and only the conclusion is attacked, even when the principle is put front and center. Most posters here tend to only argue results and don’t give a damn about how or why the result came about, which is disappointing.

See, the thing is we’re really not being given any incentive to say anything other than what we’ve said on the matter.

If you ask a question, get an answer, and then try asking the same question in a different way then what you’re trying to do is get the answer that you want rather than try to get an answer in general.

In which case, you’re just in any discussion for affirmation on what you already believe. At that point, you’re not really trying to learn anything or discover anything. You’re just asking questions in an effort to prove you were right the whole time about your original presumptions.

No it’s not. The game currently doesn’t have dual spec. The curtains are red. Both are objective facts. It’s not a fallacy, it’s just a statement of fact. I wasn’t saying they are red as an argument for why they should stay red.

The fact they are red now is an argument for why people who like red would be irked at them becoming blue.

I’m simply helping you understand why people who like red wouldn’t like if they changed something from red to a different color.

Now this is your opinion. I don’t find the reasons for changing them to blue to be compelling in the slightest, and I find the reasoning for keeping them red to be very compelling, and since I already don’t want them to be blue, we have a recipe here for = opposition to them being changed to blue.

You also have no objective proof that any of the reasons you find compelling are compelling to the people who ultimately have to make the decision as to whether it’s compelling enough to take action.

So this statement is virtually indistinguishable from a personal feeling.

Yeah, this is exactly the type of answer I thought you’d give.