Remove the ability to respec

Far more players support dual spec than would ever support no respeccing at all.

Try again.

It doesn’t.

If Fasc was 100% correct about his assertions and arguments, it doesn’t matter because Blizzard changed the game anyway. Being right or having the right opinion about something doesn’t amount to much when the deck is stacked against you.

I’m not “aligned” with anyone on these forums. I agree with some folks, I disagree with others. Like I said, Fasc and I vehemently disagree with each other about Shaman Tanks. I suppose that’s a good thing because it means we’re not in danger of turning any conversation into an echo chamber.

I can neither agree nor disagree with this statement. Like I said, they will do whatever they want to do. Period.

You’re correct. And this not only applies to Dual Spec but all other changes that may get added in the future are completely unknown to us. Because we’re not Blizzard.

Nothing is inevitable until it happens.

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Even if Blizzard did everything they would ever “want to do”, they still couldn’t do literally everything.

Everything quite literally means, everything, and it’s impossible for them to do that. There is finite resources. Finite development-tolerance. Finite acceptance to things they believe should be included as a change to this “some changes” environment. Finite time.

So some things that Blizzard could do, but won’t, will not make this cut.

The reasons for why those things won’t make the cut, we can’t be sure of in any case where they don’t tell us why it won’t.

They haven’t specifically told us whether or not dual spec will or won’t make the cut, or any indication as to where they are even leaning on this…so all we have are inferences based on past statements about dual spec in vague relation to TBC (and in some cases in relation to nothing).

Of course anyone is free to dismiss those things.

Either way…we don’t know. We don’t know doesn’t mean “Well the chances are good because they said some changes!”. No, the chances are literally unknown, still.

The deck isn’t stacked against anyone. There is no deck.

There has to be some feature in this game that you wouldn’t want to see added in TBC that made its way in to the game in later expansions. Anything? LFR? Monks? Like, pick a feature or newer inclusion that you aren’t a fan of. There has to be something otherwise I’d hazard a guess you wouldn’t be here in the first place.


I got my wish, they fixed the powerchugging. That fix also happened to be coupled with the Energy reset from shifting.


This is accurate, and I’ve said as much multiple times. I’m 90% certain there are old WotLK/Cata posts in the Tank boards where Neth or GC or Bornak came in and said “Yup, that makes a lot of sense, and we agree with your sentiment, but we’re going to do a thing you don’t want anyway…”

Understanding that you don’t even have a wheel to steer, let alone a hand on it, really takes all the punch out of worrying about the state of the game.

You are a licensee beholden to whatever Blizzard hands you. There is a deck, and Blizzard holds all the cards but one: your choice in paying your license or not.

Nobody is partaking in these discussions to steer the wheel, other than potentially be the post that some Blizzard dev reads and goes “You know what…? I agree with that.”. So it’s a far off wish of being a potential influence, essentially.

Just here to voice feedback and opinions on where the game should go to that end. It doesn’t even have to be based in the opinions of the dev team.

In fact at one point the dev team thought we should all post with a requirement that our real names were displayed on this forum.

That went over swell…


If we’re going to dial everything back so far to just mere preferences and aesthetic wants, then there’s no real substance here at all, for anyone, about anything.

You’re right, there’s no point (in regards to discussing the implementation of features) in literally anything without input from Blizzard. That is primarily the point you have been making, yes.

So in order to avoid you having the desire to invalidate any point made against dual spec, the easier route is to simply agree that the discussion isn’t worth having in the first place, for reasons you’ve outlined.

I don’t really…truly agree with that? But I see the logic. It makes all this conversation about “oughts” and “shoulds” kind of pointless and maybe a waste of energy, maybe.

Wanna go get ice cream?

Blizzard gonna do what Blizzard gonna do.

It is if you’re in the minority and decisions get made regardless of your input.

Or, in Blizzard’s case, if you’re not Blizzard and therefore have personal say in any of the decisions made.

Reason I stopped playing Retail was UI clutter. Almost every class I enjoyed playing had too many abilities tied to any given rotation. And what’s funny is sometimes your class still couldn’t compete with others even if you were doing all of that correctly.

I also hated the fact that my character either felt too powerful or extremely weak. As an example, I played a Frost DK during Legion. They gave Frost an ability called Breath of Sindragosa which was really awesome!

…except they also balanced the spec around it.

That’s the problem. Retail does this thing where it gives you really cool stuff, but they constantly have to rebalance your class and spec around giving you cool stuff.

First time I saw that happen was playing a Warlock during Cataclysm. They gave Affliction Haunt which, on paper, was super awesome! Made Warlock DPS really great in fights like Valiona and Theralion.

…but then, folks complained about Warlocks doing way too much damage. So Blizzard had to scale back Warlock damage to balance it. Affliction’s single-target damage was then heavily nerfed just because they had to balance the class around having 2 targets to throw copies of your dots on.

So…I guess if they did stuff like that I’d stop playing.

Other aspects I can think of were the constant class balancing and the fact that they would always release every new expansion in a kind of “beta” state where they’d “fix” everything up and until the final patch. And then they’d promise to “fix” everything again by changing it in the next expansion.

I actually discovered the reason they do this is to leave us in a continual state of dissatisfaction to ensure their customers keep coming back for more. It’s why nothing new ever lasts long because if it did, we wouldn’t have to keep coming back.

But there’s a plethora of other things I could mention. The constant revamping experience gains is another thing I could go on and on about.

That all being said, Retail has a lot of good things about it. The AH interface is an improvement, for instance. The graphics are upgraded. There are barbershops, there’s heirloom gear, there’s transmogs based on what gear you’ve acquired.

So long as things stay in the realm of just personal whim, it is just blue vs red talk, which is uninteresting.

Where things get interesting is when people attempt to justify those whims to more than just a whim. Sometimes it is successful and follows accordingly, sometimes it isn’t.


Naw. Today is definitely a beer day.

Slow day at work? You guys are exhausting…

I work at home. I sit at my desk 8 or more hours a day.

The examiner I had to deal with today was very slow and dry and boring and even though I got everything I needed out of her, it took hours to get there. Ugh. Federal government.

Oh and 99% of my work is online/computer.

Me too. You all have invested a significant amount of time and energy on this thread. You all should have a couple of levels of forum xp by now. Maybe we could come up with a system where you could spend your forum xp in game on something…like maybe a respec (sorry, I couldn’t resist :sunglasses:)

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Fair enough. I would not argue that typing is probably more entertaining than dealing with anyone in the federal government.

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Okay, that’s stuff.

Now, as an exercise, how would you engage in a topic where you are asked to offer an opinion on whether they should, say, decide to completely port the modern UI to TBCC? Since you called that out as something you’d actually be disenfranchised from the game over.

Would you have words to say on whether it should or shouldn’t be added or is your opinion that the discussion is meritless, and has no point of existing since Blizzard hasn’t spoken directly to it yet?


Yeah, but it’s not really that simple. If people quit because they change the curtains blue, it’s more than just “Red vs Blue”, it’s “This is not what I want for my curtains so I’ll go look at different curtains”.

So the real question is if it would be worth it to Blizzard to piss off anyone who doesn’t want the curtains to be blue.

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Who knows.

I’m very, very, very interested to hear of any known circumstance in which you felt strongly about something and came out feeling corrected, lmao.

Not really. This is mostly 101 type stuff.

This is stuff I usually dedicate significant amounts of time and energy to:

just don’t invite rogues to the group.

I wasn’t aware there even existed rogues to invite.

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I did a long time ago. Lost that fight. So I stopped paying for my subscription. If the game isn’t what I want it to be, I vote with my wallet.

Doesn’t mean I ignore the fact that feedback exists and Blizzard uses it to gauge what they do next. Dual Spec, from all accounts, is popular. If Blizzard doesn’t implement it, that’ll surprise me given overwhelming support for it would entail people paying for the product would be given that much more of an incentive to pay for it.

But there’s no domino affect for me. I don’t look at Retail and say, “this is all bad” like so many other people seem to assume when anything about Classic changes.

People are liable to quit if nothing changes either. How many people in #NoChanges Classic WoW cleared MC and Ony never stayed around to do BWL, AQ40, and Naxx?

5 years ago I was convinced Twitter was going the way of the dinosaur. :sweat_smile:

Incidentally, around that same time, I thought Donald Trump was never going to become President of the United States.

Normally the examiners are pretty chill since they’re just research nerds anyway, but every now and then you get some real sticklers about stuff and you have to PAINSTAKINGLY walk them through what you mean and how they’re going about everything wrong.

It isn’t supposed to be adversarial but phew, they can make it feel that way easily.

If people quit over blue, and they never give more reasoning than “I just hate blue”, even Blizzard can’t do much with that.

If Blizzard isn’t aware of any substantive opposition to blue, not sure they’d take the “pissed off” anti-blue people very seriously at any point after.

You mean a situation where I changed my mind? Or a situation where I had a point of view, people opposed that point of view, and I was vindicated?

Not sure which you’re trying to refer to, sentence is kinda awkward.