Personally I prefer the bears… or the wolves.
I obviously was leveling alts, as mentioned by my use of “playing warlock”.
And I don’t think that wanting to be able to participate is having an ego. It’s just…wanting to play the game…
I’ve had a few twink tanks carry my leveling alts (who were casters!). I did what Nyamh said — I used instant cast spells, and I just enjoyed myself.
BTW? Aspect of Cheetah is on a 3 minute CD and only lasts 12 seconds. You’re thinking of the passive Trailblazer, which kicks in after a few seconds out of combat and lasts until you fire off your first attack. It’s a talent, so surprisingly there’s Hunters who don’t spec into this.
But you are.
as a twink player only made due to how slow it takes to do a dungeon on my main, no thanks. If you are annoyed, you are free to /quit the group and queue again in 30 minutes by the time if you would have stayed would have cleared at least 10 dungeon runs.
I tried grinding out the 5 chore tw dungeons on my blood dk main and it was a slog. I was hoping and praying just any twink would join and sure enough on my last requirement chore (5th tw dungeon) boom an under geared fresh starter priest twink joined, it was great. I just grabbed all the mobs and the twinkie blasted them down fairly fast (again they werent sure what they were doing) so after the dungeon, i sent them a few friendly tips and showed them my twinkie characters and they were super happy as was the rest of the group that actually got to clear a dungeon in a few minutes compared to 15+ minutes.
bliz should offer another role on the queuing system, tank, healer, dps and twink and give the twink bonus gold and gears with more gem slots available! that would be wicked fun
As I have said previously, some of the twinks are in bad form cause they rush so far ahead because they can get up to a 49% runspeed if gemmed correctly, but they are not one shotting things, they are in fact hitting things several times, but its instacast whirlwind spell along with lifesteal enchant melting things. Just because you believe it is one shot, it is most certainly not.
100% this.
At a bare minimum, adjusting lifestealing is a simple fix that will help tremendously.
An 11 in heirlooms with double lifstealing is already capable of soloing entire dungeons and will do 75% of the group’s damage. It also makes them unkillable by spamming whirlwind.
A geared 11 in socket gear is just icing on the cake of an already broken scaling system.
this would have been epic if you were level 11.
And you will wait in queue for hours after the majority of players stop queuing as you wanted. And you and your ilk who think all leveling dungeons should be as hard as mythic+ dungeons won’t be able to do any dungeons either. But at least you will have “fixed” the overwhelming majority who were playing the game wrong and needed to be forced to play the way you claim to want to play against their will.
You misspelled “improving trivial content” to “ruining PvE content” just so you know
I’ve leveled 7 toons through this anniversary event. A few were from 10 to 80 too. I’ve only come across 1.
They were super nice and ran with me for 3 hours. They were just chilling, helping people level.
Can someone explain to me how this works, exactly? If I take my lvl 11 toon, if I had one, into time walking, I’m going to facefroll everything? What am I missing?
What I find funny is people saying things here like “It’s no fun not getting to do anything in dungeons, I didn’t sign up for a walking simulator” yet they were probably the same people telling people to quit whining during the remix as people especially DH did that exact thing to everyone in dungeons during remix. So hey whatever but nobody cared enough back then to make Blizz stop that crud so what makes you think Blizz will care about the current issue?
Certain classes are inherently OP at low levels. People who are fully geared in dungeon gear at those levels are going to be OP. People who stop their xp and farm BIS level 11 gear for their spec hard are going to be very OP. Classes that have exceptional mobility at low levels and all other advantages also are going to be problem children if they decide they want to be as rude as the people who seem to want to turn wow into a single player game.

Can someone explain to me how this works, exactly? If I take my lvl 11 toon, if I had one, into time walking, I’m going to facefroll everything?
You shut off xp at 11 then gear up as much as possible. Gems if you can. Enchants.
Due to stat scaling, you’ll be doing millions of damage.

But you are.
Once again, one thread on a forum doesn’t make a majority. And if you’re so convinced you’re a majority, why are you scared of twinks being relegated to their own pool or adjustments being made? The more you people defend this junk the more you prove you’re not good enough to clear TW without a crutch.

as a twink player only made due to how slow it takes to do a dungeon on my main, no thanks. If you are annoyed, you are free to /quit the group and queue again in 30 minutes by the time if you would have stayed would have cleared at least 10 dungeon runs.
Yeah that’s not how that works as 1 person doesn’t get to turn a 5 man group activity into a 1 man show at the expense of the other 4. Sorry but you’re the odd man out, you’re the one leaving. All you’re doing by relying on twinks is proving you’re not good enough to clear in a reasonable time without a crutch. As I’ve asked everyone else too, if you consider TW a chore, why are you doing it?
You’re free to like twinking, and you’re free to roll with groups that don’t mind you one shotting everything as a twink. What you don’t get to do however is come into other groups and force that kind of play on others against their will. Sorry but you do not get to prevent 4 other people from playing purely for your own convenience. No one is paying to get drug along behind you like an NPC. If you want to twink and run stuff as a twink no problem, form your own groups since you’re the odd man out and let’s have blizzard finally relegate twinks to their own pools like they do in pvp already. You can still run content with similarly minded people and folks who want to group with you, and the rest of us who like to actually play our toons don’t have to deal with it.

As I have said previously, some of the twinks are in bad form cause they rush so far ahead because they can get up to a 49% runspeed if gemmed correctly, but they are not one shotting things, they are in fact hitting things several times, but its instacast whirlwind spell along with lifesteal enchant melting things. Just because you believe it is one shot, it is most certainly not.
Except they actually are oneshotting stuff and hitting far far harder than they should be hitting for. Just for argument let’s say that it’s always multiple hits. How is it even remotely okay that a max level geared toon has to cycle through multiple rotations to kill something but a lower level toon with less gear and less stats is able to do it in less than a full rotation and say 3 hits at absolute max? You know as well as I do that’s bad design. We can debate what abilities and so on are the worst offenders, but point stands that junk like this has NEVER been intended in the 20 year history of this game and needs to stop.

And you will wait in queue for hours after the majority of players stop queuing as you wanted. And you and your ilk who think all leveling dungeons should be as hard as mythic+ dungeons won’t be able to do any dungeons either. But at least you will have “fixed” the overwhelming majority who were playing the game wrong and needed to be forced to play the way you claim to want to play against their will.
Previous experience says I won’t be waiting hours, but believe what you want on that one.
Second, I’m so tired you willfully ignorant people trying to put words in my mouth. Show me anywhere that I claimed I wanted leveling dungeons or similar to be as hard as m+. go ahead, quote the exact line. Feel free to quote outside of this thread if you think you have something. Put your money where your mouth is since you think you know more about what I’ve been saying than even I do.
Lastly, I have not now nor am I ever saying I want TW to be as hard as m+, no one in here that I’ve seen has. What I am however saying is that I like actually getting to participate in GROUP activities as a GROUP and not be relegated to being some twink’s +4 to get in the door. I’m paying to actually get to play the game and participate, not to sit and watch someone else play like I’m on a twitch stream. If I want to watch someone else play something I’ll go watch someone on twitch.

But at least you will have “fixed” the overwhelming majority who were playing the game wrong and needed to be forced to play the way you claim to want to play against their will.
And to this line specifically, when you intentionally go into something with the intent of oneshotting everything and preventing 4 other people from even getting to play at all, yes you are absolutely doing it wrong because you’re robbing 4 other people from being able to play the game they’re paying for. You are reducing 4 other people being an NPC against their will, then getting all huffy when you get called on it.
20 years of precedent says this junk was never intended to happen as they’ve always adjusted when things are OP. See all the m+ tunings, see the changes to pvp from time to time, see the recent changes to level 70 toons no longer being allowed to twink at that level due to scaling. If level 70 toons aren’t allowed to twink because of scaling issues, why are you people so bent on making level 11 the exception? Because all I’m seeing are people relying on a crutch that aren’t good enough to clear it without the twink. Then getting mad when people don’t want to play like them and actually prefer group content to be group content.

yet they were probably the same people telling people to quit whining during the remix
I did not play remix specifically because of stuff like this.
I think if people want to play like this they should wait until remix and I will be more than happy to leave them alone and let them have their terrible mini-mode.
We still harping on this?
I ran 8 dungeons each on five different characters last week when I queued solo. Know how many twinks I ran into? Zero.
In 40 dungeons, no twinks. This probably isn’t a systemic issue.
So my suggestions still stand:
- Run with friends/guildies
- VTK the twinks if they’re making the group miserable
- Ask Blizzard to fix the scaling
No one needs to be gated from content because some of you don’t like how others play.
Honestly, it’s nice getting power leveled by those level 10s. If you want to fix it, it’s the insane scaling. Not the fact that they can queue with you.
Blizz literally banned someone i was qued with from random queing, he had to be with us in the party, so they’re obviously upset and doing something about it. Or maybe just that specific guy got reported. Either way, this is reminding me of getting carried by 55 monks in GW I say keep it going.