I as a player who have for years Played on XP eliminated Characters I have finally had it. Level 11 Warriors and the Occasional Monk are ruining PvE Content for Me and Others on our level 80 characters. Since Level 11 and even level 70/71 characters are near similar on Speed when it comes to clearing mobs they have been slowly making Dungeon runs while Levelling and Especially Timewalking runs unbearable.
In Wrath as of writing this if you get a useless level 11 Twink in Azol Nerub dungeon and you are not fast enough or well try to attack the boss or just keep up in general while the twink just ignores everything and you die by the time you release run back and try to get to the end boss you cant I have had it happen 3 times this week you dont get Quest credit for finishing the dungeon Another stupid implementation by Blizzard punishing people for other peoples mistakes So you are setback and if you get it again same dungeon and also a pathetic person playing on a 11 warrior or monk twink then you either have to be super vigilant and just hope the healer keeps you alive long enough to avoid the mobs after second boss and you are able to fall down to the 3rd and beat it with quest credit but that is harder to do than one might think.
I just want them to Ban XP locked players from entering General Population PvE content just like XP locked Players cannot enter general Pop PvP they are only able to Queue with other XP locked people. You might say who care or let them do what they want I like being carried Trust me after a while you get sick of them I don’t play a twink just to Queue for dungeons speed run it and ruin peoples immersion or fun I use the Twinks I have made to do content farms since Blizzard made some old farms for Example the Disgusting Oozlig pet is now only farmable on a character level 45 or Below and you need to Lock XP on a character say 30-45 in that range then go farm the areas where Oozing Bags drop like Swamp of Sorrows. I have been using them as of late my 45+ twinks in World boss groups to gear up a bit easier since a lot of tat gear is a huge upgrade and I am taking advantage of this Anniersary event to Help me later next year etc. But my twinks are not on a Level that trivialises content like these Level 11’s
So if you feel that XP Eliminated players should not be allowed to play with General Pop for content that you can Queue for like Dungeons and Raids let me know your thoughts on it. If it means me not being able to join content again and only be able to play with other people with the same XP lock then thats fine by me. Only other thing Blizzard can and should already be working on is a Huge Scaling Fix currently Scaling is the most Broke thing in the game at the moment and it needs addressing not being pushed aside.
So learn your lesson and stop trying to help and take the free carry. Like this isn’t rocket science.
Also you are just plain wrong calling those players “useless”…they’re objectively contributing FAR more to the overall completion of the dungeon than you are. If anything, you are the useless one in the equation.
And no I don’t have a twink to do this with…I’m just someone who values speed and efficiency and if I am doing no skill babymode queue content, you can be quite guaranteed I’ll be happy with any acceptable trick in the book to make it faster. I’d be grateful to be a following looting monkey for however long it is and let them flex their twink epeen.
I second this motion. I’m signing up for group content, not to be someone’s +4 to get in the door or an NPC in their movie. I like to actually get to play the game I’m paying for, not play Walking Simulator. I don’t have an issue with twinks existing, but I do however have an issue with them coming in and hijacking runs by one shotting everything to the point I don’t even get to play. Nah that obnoxious garbage needs to go. They already took away the ability of level 70 toons to xp lock because of scaling issues, long past time they did the same here. Not to mention if leaving m+ keys is now considered griefing, this definitely is.
Folks saying “just accept the free carry” and that garbage need to pull their heads out of their rear ends and realize it’s not about them. I never signed up for a “carry” and if I want one I’ll seek it out and pay the person appropriately. I’m signing up for 5 man group content, not to be an extra in a person’s movie. You are not so important you get to prevent 4 other people from playing. Sorry but no. Twinks are the odd ones out here and need to either have the ability to xp lock removed completely, be grouped only with other xp locked players, or the scaling needs to be fixed. Simplest is to fix the scaling. However I don’t care what they do at this point as long as the issue is fixed and I can actually play without having some obnoxious clown saying “stay there I’m getting paid to carry people.” screw that noise, make your own groups for that.
I signed up for 5 man group content, not 1 man +4 npc teammates. I never agreed to a carry no matter what you like to believe.
Twink is the odd man out, he’s the one that makes his own group. Rest of us were here first and signed up for group content. Sorry but twinks are the problem here. You want to twink, make your own groups and stop trying to hijack the run of 4 other people. I’m not going to be told “sit back because I’m paid to carry”. Nah fam, you don’t get to prevent 4 other people from playing.
Actually I press X to doubt. I am quite confident that FAR more runs people are appreciative or at least apathetic to the run than groups collectively finding 3 people angsty enough to be willing to kick the twink (which can’t even be done at the very start) to slog it out “properly”.
And given how fast any given dungeon can be slaughtered by said twink, I bet it’s like an absurd number like 100 to 1 groups that the twink doesn’t get kicked vs does get kicked.
By the time you can actually initiate a vote kick, the dungeon is practically over. I’m sure that plays a large part in who does or doesn’t get vote kicked as a twink.
It does happen though. I have no numbers to talk ratios, but I know there are players out there that would rather have a chance to actually play than looting bodies and playing catch up to the twink.
no you’re the odd man out --most of the rest of us love having the twink in our groups --we know how to run dungeons the modern way . Doesnt matter if its a twink or a fully mythic geared tank in a heroic dungeons . we know what to do to get the job done and not die .
Dungeons are get in and get out , have been since Wrath , They tried your way in early cata and copped such a huge backlash that they had to nerf teh dungeons into oblivion
I am not saying I agree with this ( would personally like early cata style dungeons ) but I accept that it is what it it is , If i want a slow dungeon I will make my own
Except I’m not. You want to group with the twinks, join their groups. Otherwise you don’t get to roll into a random group and steal the ability of 4 other people to even participate at all. Sorry but again you’re not that important. You want to join the twinks, nothing is stopping you from advertising for them. Otherwise you’re signing up for group content, not twink +4 npcs. There is no universe where you aren’t the odd man out.
No what they did was overtune certain dungeons and people whined about having to be conscious at the keyboard. And if you really want to try to cite precedent here, name us a time anywhere in the game’s 20 year history where it was ever intended for people to be able to one shot everything. Then there’s the whole stopping level 70 toons from being able to xp lock because of scaling issues. The fact that they constantly tune classes for m+ and elsewhere because certain things are considered too strong. Then they banned the saronite bomb people and the Martin’s Fury guy.
You’ve survived 20 years of this game without being allowed to one shot everything, you’ll survive when they take the ability of twinks to one shot. Heaven forbid someone other than the obnoxious twinks get to actually participate.
Then lastly far as this particular thread goes, as another already pointed out, twinks are already stuck in their own groups in pvp, so why should pve be the exception? What makes you think you should be allowed to stop 4 other people from getting to play when they never asked for your “help”. Go ahead, do tell.
every single expansion once you outgear the dungeon . You would actually go in and solo them . Some bosses on the first raid of teh expansion ( while not oneshotable ) were easily soloed during the final patch . But thats quite different than timewalking but so really relivant .
Since timewalking began you could solo the dungeons-one shotting all the trash and not having to go through your complete rotation on teh bosses by using teh gear of that expansion ( legendary ring /cloak etc ) but had no way of doing this because you could only queue for them .
I can ceratinly live without the twinks as I couldnt care less if they are in teh group or I have to do it without them now . I would prefer them not to be in my group , but I am not arragant enough to want something most of teh player base likes banned .
For instance I dont like teh warband concept at all . Nothing should be account bound , If you want something on a particular character , earn it on that character . Mythic + gear would be useless in raids ( and vice versa ) gear for M+ would be benificial in M+ only , -transmog wouldnt exist . But I know I am very much in the minority so I go with the flow even though it really does irk me , just like you are in the minority on this one- just read any of thetreads that were made in responce to blizzard changing teh scaling of TW from max levels being scaled down to all othe rlevels being scailed up -all filled with complaints whith how it would ruin TW because you would have to actually do stuff and couldnt complete it in under 5 minutes . few people want a TW dungeon to be slow ( or any othe non mythic +) , they want in and out as quick as possible
Except they were not overtuned at all , they were excellent group content where everyone in the group had to do their jobs and not just rush through like in Wrath ( if a heroic took longer than 5 minutes in wrath you had a very poor group ) . My group had no problem completing early cata dungeons . it took us around 20 to 30 minutes but that was fine .
Or… hear me out, y’all could and I know this might be scary, get over yourselves. You want a group played the way you want? Make a group and invite like minded people.
I’ll second this to the moon. Their scaling system feels all over the place. From random one shot mobs in old content to level 11’s being power houses.