Remove the 50 character limit

I can see logic behind restricting active characters, but I can also see room for perhaps archiving characters beyond that limit with a limited-access retrieval option (not on a daily basis, perhaps on a weekly basis defined by the reset).

Offline storage is cheap and if the requirement was “archive characters x-y-and-z and activate characters a-b-and-c” requested prior to the weekly reset I can’t see how that would be immensely burdensome to Blizzard.


Problem is, each license under your account runs on separate subscriptions, so if you do what someone above said and have an Alliance account and a Horde account, and you feel the mood to bounce between your Alliance Warrior and Horde Shaman, you’d have to pony up the money to give the second account a month of time for it.

If you like leveling them, then just delete them after they reach 60, and start another. No way you can actively play 60 max level players, so you may as well clear out the clutter.


No :-1: lol

Wouldn’t that encourage multi-boxing though? :thinking:

It would be a fine enough suggestion if Blizzard hasn’t decided against multi-boxing lately, because i feel like even alt + tabing between the two WoW’s could be questionable now.

It’s not about Multiboxing. You can link accounts and share collectibles.

How many should you have?

Oh i’m not denying that. I’m just saying with your argument here, it might present a possibility that person might multi-box or just window swap here. Kind of my own reason why i agree with OP here.

What is so hard about getting a second (or a third, or a fourth) WoW license? You can either pony up the cash for the extra licenses, or (since an altoholic has zillions of alts) pay for them with all the gold they’re raking in.

Besides, there are some interesting and absolutely, entirely legit things you can do with multiple accounts…

Money. And it’s not about affordability.


That’s still allowed, though. You just can’t uae software.

Didn’t they make changes against hardware as well?..

Oh yes, I always forget that part.

I just delete characters.

No, not more Gnomes! :sob:

That’s alright, i’m just sort of curious on these sorts of suggestions now, this “just buy another account” one, given the rules they have now.

The thing is, you can still play them manually, and you paying for a separate account makes them money, so that’s why I thought of that.

Fair enough.

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Throwing in my support for this too. I love alts. Alts are the one thing keeping me entertained in an otherwise unfortunately boring expansion. Would love to be able to make more and mess around with different race / class combos.


I feel attacked. lol

I have over 120 characters across 4 subaccounts. This allows me to circumvent the RNG bias against the missing armor class, by bringing four characters to the legacy dungeons/raids. lol

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