Remove Spell Batching

my favorite is
Rogue vs rogue:
I see rogue for a glimpse - use cheapshot
i get removed from stealth
i lose energy
they dont get removed from stealth
they arent stunned


It’s all kinds of broken. I think they’re leaving it in because the lagginess masks how broken this port to the new client actually is.

The batching is more broken than just latency. There’s things happening that just seem out of order.

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Melee leeway is something that should be removed long before spell batching.

Welcome to vanilla WoW

Leeway is not removed even in retail.

In fact, it is the same leeway calc, has not changed in like 15 years

ive watched old videos of the mechanics that cause problems in pvp and pve now and they didnt happen in vanilla so :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

They dont cause any problems for me now.

Have to ask, are you watching blizzard server videos or pserver videos.
Because pservers work differently.

Batching is not, and was not in 2004, a static 400ms thing.
It’s a revolving window, it can be between 1 and 400 ms, depending on where you are in the cycle.

literally vanilla videos. Old pvp videos like world of rogue craft, grim pvp, ect. Even my old junky pvp video i watched to see when cheapshot opens looked like and when the energy was taken and if crippling poisons got applied on saps. These things didnt happen in vanilla

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They did, there are tons of old threads on them still.

To paraphrase Blizzard’s answer back then.

“There isn’t much more we can do, without totally rewriting how this works, and we dont know that we want it to work differently”

How are you going to tell me that they did when i have literal video evidence that it didnt?>

90,000 old posts from 14 years ago

90k posts > Video proof?

Video proof of what?
There are 15 year old videos of rouges sapping a mage and then being sheeped by the incapacitated mage, or sapping a warrior, only to have the sapped warrior cut his little head off, or priests major healing the tank, only for the tank to fall over dead.

Which are none of the things that i described. Thank you for reading.

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i’m not buying blizzard’s response to people who had dial up internet connections as being viable these days.

get rid of spell batching asap

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Artificial lag isn’t fun
blame the #nochanges crowd for stuff like this

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Unfortunately people seem to think that batching was specific to Vanilla. It isn’t. You can still gouge a blink in retail. You can still HoJ a charge. You can still get poly’d with grounding totem up. Everyone will say “This is #Nochanges!”, but it’s not. It’s a change. It’s different than it was. They’ve created artificial batching which lays on top of the already in place natural server batching and it’s gone quite sour.

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Some people also have the flawed idea that batching was actually a skill based game mechanic as opposed to a random uncontrollable fluke of server optimizations that happened to make spells and actual game mechanics act erratically.

Blizzard should have said batching is gone, one of the benefits of using the modern server architecture and been done with it. The beta played so much better before they cludged in batching/leeway.


There isn’t a single good argument in favor of batching. The people who claim to be pro batching are just trolls, looking to stand out. They literally don’t know their own mind. But that’s what happens when you ask people to give their opinion about a topic. You’ll always run into people who have a bad one.

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No, it replaces the retail batching, which is like 1 to 20ms or something like that.
Dont know why you think it is sitting on top of it, in addition to it.

Not going to happen, they specifically decided that it should batch the same as in vanilla, and that is after testing it with the retail batch cycle in place.

Yes they are, thank you for not understanding.

No it doesn’t. Retail spell batching isn’t something that they implemented. They can’t remove it. It’s genuinely a biproduct of server communication. The Classic spell batching is merely put “on top” of the rudimentary spell batching that will always exist in this video game.