Remove shadowmeld

They tried to shadowmeld and sylvanas dropped a flare on them.

She was mad about the racial too.

LOL @ a class tah has Shadowmeld since beginning and now its an issue. LOL Pew someone melded my big damage, its on CD no damage buff its an avoidance, How bout take away all racials tehn at that point

What little I can understand of this - I agree with.

Shadowmeld is iconic - and must be left alone.

Which version is Iconic? The Classic one or the current one?

I don’t mind if they bring back the classic version.

The classic one is fair and balanced, and still iconic.

Meld nerfs, monk poofer nerfed, OMG just stop
if this happens then all stuns/immunities/bubbles GONE lets face it, lets be fair!

I guess you play a night elf mw monk.

SM was not able to be used in combat until WotLK.

As a Hunter if you wanted to stealth completely you would need a cat back in the day too.

while we are at it , lets ban abusing que syncing to pub stomp epic bgs, thx


Whoa whoa
.you can’t just wander around all loosey goosey making statements that people are Que aynching little scum bag cheaters

well you could but what happens is they get into their little discord and they throw out a bat signal
.and they come into the forums and they report your post en MassĂ©!
I’m just trying to save you from their
Evil cheating ways
.luckily we have you tube heroes who are showcasing all the addons and Que synching and Que dodging that takes place! It’s gonna be a glorious time to watch the ban hammers

I like not taking damage from 1 really big chaos bolt or something. Back off.

That’s the whole point of Shadowmeld

Out if combat stealth is fine.

Extra vanish isnt.

The problem with this suggestion is that Shadowmeld ceases to be an active combat racial, and turns into a non-combat racial, meaning the race now needs a new combat racial, unless Night Elf is to be the only race without one.

Out-of-combat stealth is also probably too powerful for a non-combat racial these days. Although maybe not, considering Dracthyr glide exist.

Honestly just make the current iteration a 4-5 minute CD. Still thematic, still powerful, but way less oppressive. Doesn’t require a full racial rework for nelves.

Out of combat stealth is pretty niche and functionally useless since we have to stand still with it.

Sounds to me like you’ve got yourself either a vendetta against people using it against you, or you lack proper understanding of ways to combat it.

It’s no where near the level of oppressive that the old Blood Elf racial was.

Mhmm yea, the 30% night elf population is only because of their pretty ears.

Don’t generalize.

I’m a night elf because my wife and a really close friend are night elves.

Contrary to popular belief, most players don’t pick their race based on racials. We pick them for other reasons.

Let’s get back to reality. Shadowmeld is only good for breaking LoS or combat in general. We can’t move, or it removes the Shadowmeld. There’s not much to complain about.

The reality is night elf representation in PVP, the numbers don’t lie.


You’re dancing around my statements, which shows me you don’t intend to discuss the matter in good faith.

Your only intent is to complain about something YOU perceive as a problem, while framing the “discussion” as a demand.

Happy hunting.

Have you read the posts in here? You’re allowed to disagree with my premise.

I’m not the only one who thinks Shadowmeld need to be looked at. They have nerfed many racials already for PVP.

Rogue can restealth
Druids can restealth
Healers can use it to drop combat and start drinking
All night elves use it to dodge CC and big attacks
You can shadowmeld to drop combat and mount

This is 1 button added to a race that can be 10 out of 13 classes.

The majority of PVPers play alliance because of Night Elf racial.

The representation on alliance side alone is 30%. 1 race out of 14 alliance race makes up for 30% of the PVP ladder on that faction.

There are more Night elves than all horde race combined.