Remove shadowmeld

Im tired of breaking my flare button to keep all these noobelves from stealthing.

Flare down on cooldown.



Agreed. Also, put a cool down on that stupid eyespy glass.


It’s dumb and everytime I use it I feel like im 100% cheating.

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how bout no





delete flare and problem solved.


All this crying over meld… you guys finally catch up to 2009 to realize meld is good?

Now you can learn to out play it rather than crying for nerfs.


Task Failed Successfuly! XD

calm down paladin, you know nothing about stealth.


Nice idea…now the spell that will replace SM is…
or do Nelfs just go it with 1 less racial?

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in 2009 the combat was not designed around cooldown trading


I think they can rework shadowmeld to something that isn’t a stealth or make it usable out of combat only.

There now the priests can stealth safely in the outdoors.

Priest with stealth smh,

And the problem isn’t just stealth, it basically give a vanish to too many classes that shouldn’t have a stealth.

I have issues with giving everyone a stealth just like Immunities. It’s blizzard cheap way of balancing things.


So when I first made my WoW character (a long time ago lol) I decided what I wanted to do.
Answer PvP.
then i looked through the classes and racials and noticed ooh a Stealth Ability. So other people cant see me, thats cool.
Then I picked Druid instead of Rogue, cause at the time Druids could do a lot more.

Anyway, why should I get nerfed when all I did was a little research before I made my character?

So Nelfs go it with one less racial ‘in combat’ (where it matters)

i dont care if they removed SM, I would adapt, but you need to provide a reasonable replacement than just calling “nerf!!!”

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Things change and blizzard rework stuff all the time. I don’t know what would replace a race wide vanish?


Are you kidding? Its been designed around cooldown trading since Wrath and they have only changed how you look at it, but really same game since, just with different classes being stronger / weaker and different states of balance.

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I also remember when Tanks would take Nelf for EndGame cause of the dodge.
Basically nothing to see here sorry. (Just put up a dot when You see a Nelf if it really bothers you, otherwise I cant help sorry)

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There’s one thing, shadowmeld today doesn’t have a place in pvp.

30% of pvpers are nightelves because of shadowmeld.

Out of 20+ races one of them makes up for 30% of pvp players all because of shadowmeld.


Sorry I need it to get back into prowl so i dont get roflstomped by hunters from 30 yards :stuck_out_tongue:

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You should go watch some old mlg arena games

While CD were not necessary to land kills in arena it doesn’t mean the game isn’t CD trading post wrath.

Just because cooldown trading has only gotten worse over ti e doesn’t mean the game has evolved or anything, furthermore asking for Nelf to be nerfed is dumb, and you should feel bad because its one of the few racials that actually still requires a brain to use.


Your Meld was yummy !