I’m well aware this has been posted a number of times already, but I feel it’s crucial to keep screaming it.
I’ve been playing since Vanilla. I’m casual now, and with a few alts I am the exact person that gets roflstomped in unrated BGs without scaling. But that’s my motivation. For me, my end game is unrated Battlegrounds.
I don’t want to play this game (which is about collecting gear) if my gear means nothing.
I don’t care how the gear is acquired, PVE, PVP, whatever. Though I’d argue there should be decent gear collectable through either method, requiring roughly equal effort. If it takes me a day to get Mythic0 gear and 12 weeks to get unrated BG gear, well then I’m obviously gonna do Mythic0. That should be obvious.
Every expansion prior to WoD when all this scaling started was superior for PvP fun factor imo. The game has never been balanced, ever, so I don’t think that should even be an argument.
I thought the scaling in WoD was just PVP gear got 30 iliv boost in pvp combat. That, and that when people had no gear their ilvl was brought up to a minimum that was 15ilvl below a full honour set.
I don’t remember the exact numbers, but I think you might be right.
I personally don’t want any scaling at all, it just pulls the meaning out of gear to me. That said, I’d say the WoD system would be a dream come true compared to what we have now. I mentioned WoD because in my mind, that’s when scaling started.
Have you tried any instanced PVP without a somewhat geared character recently?
If scaling is transparent and correctly adjusted it seems to work.
As long as it broadens our player base, from the lower end up.
Why not?
PvP scaling is a practical necessity because of how widely health pools change via item levels. You start off at like 70k hp and then you’re at 250k then 500k.
Those with 500k hp and higher iLvls will literally just plow over everyone beneath them because that person has to do 2x the effort.
the scaling works really well actually, the irony here is that the casuals have known about scaling all expac and the pros are just now figuring it out at the end. paintbrush twitter links FTW.
IMO, the one thing that could be changed is to lower the max ilvl gap, make pvp almost entirely about skill, not ilvl.
something to remember is that scaling can’t help that a 470+ can reach 250%+ haste while a 270 is like 8%. scaling damage and HP isn’t going to account for that difference.(templates did)
Honor level 38 after four years.
I mean, yeah. You do like 1 BG per month.
Also you’re undergeared.
Scaling literally improves your gameplay experience.
I get what you’re saying, but this is sort of the point I’m trying to make. I haven’t played many BGs because of the reasons I’m stating. I don’t like scaling. I’m undergeared because I don’t play much.
You perceive that scaling improves my experience, but I’m telling you it doesn’t. It moves me to stop playing well before the end of an expansion, because there’s no reward for getting better gear.
I think it would be fantastic to have brackets in random and rated that normalize everyone’s item levels to the same. Secondary stats shouldn’t be templated but should option for playing favorite specs. Making it more skill-based and letting secondary stats give you a slight edge and for preferred by your spec. This option wouldn’t allow groups, party sync, XP off, or expansion squatters.
I bet most solo random queue players would opt for that, and you’d see queue times go to hours for the others who only want BGs they can steamroll in since they don’t want to get steamrolled by players more skilled. But who cares? If you’re going to steamroll, then an hour wait vs. five minutes is a substantial tradeoff.
Give players the option to a pure solo queue random, like you give XP off, it would really give Blizzard the analytics on what the majority of the player base likes in that area of the game.
Queue up for some random 10v10s on that character with 285k hp and tell us better gear doesn’t make you feel more powerful. You will need it.
Even with scaling.