Topic Title. There’s zero reason that tanks should be double dipping through runes, talents and the PvP aura to take much less damage than other specs. This goes for shaman tanks but it’s also annoying fighting other tank specs.
I truly wish Blizzard would realize tanks are for holding points/flags and for being meat shields. Not taking negligible damage and dishing out almost dps levels of damage.
How are they “double dipping” exactly? They play be the same rules as everyone else.
They take less physical and magic damage (not all tank capable have magic reduction talents) and double dip via runes and the pvp aura.
They aren’t double dipping anything. They are tanks, tanks mitigate damage but sacrifice dps for that. If you nerf there defense you have to buff their offense.
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lmfao raid tanks have always been annoying to fight against welcome to world of warcraft; btw let me know what aura so i can use plz
If players are taking less damage in PvP from magic and physical attacks, a class has a tank spec with talents that reduce phys/magic dmg, and they also have runes that affect dmg taken, they’re literally double dipping lmao.
Tanks get double the benefit from the PvP aura due to the other two things.
Tanks get the exact same reduction from the PvP aura as everyone else.
That is then modified by talents and runes. Aka double dipping. So they get all of the benefits of their natural resilience in addition to gaining benefits from the aura.
Brother this topic does not concern you. Warriors cant abuse this mechanic. We dont have damage reducing runes like all the new tanks.
The Devs know this is an issue hence why they nerfed druids ability to use most defensive runes while in moonkin form.
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Exactly. They get the same benefit but they also get to equip a few runes, run a DPS spec and be 30% more tanky than other dps and tanks without those type of runes.
If I want to be a tank I have to spec into it.
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oh I see, I wasnt sure what aura he was talking about but hes talking about the pvp damage reduction against players?
Yup that and the benefits like 30% more hp, 150% Extra armor from the 2 shaman runes stacking with it. Thats the problem.
Tbh the shaman tank rune is better than what warriors get for chest rune for tanking, shaman shield spec is even better than warrior shield mastery rune
Nerf shamans already. Stupid dev bias
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Fighting a tank shaman in pvp is insane…they can annihilate a ret paladin without even breaking a sweat and keep their hp and mana topped while taking absolutely no damage
Shaman is kinda the anti paladin and doubly so as tank spec, but why shouldn’t a ret get clobbered by its anti-melee spec’d counter class?
Shockadin is a much more even fight fyi but yeah ret has almost no chance against me and I don’t even play powersurge/lava blast , I play ele/enh with molten blast in PvP and even if I play drunk and forget my trinket it’s going to end badly for a ret.
That said, it’s impossible for me to kill a boomy and nearly impossible to kill a mage now.
Tank shaman have their weakness it’s just not melee,
Every other tank spec isnt nearly as tanky.
Not to mention druids need to be in a form limiting their spells to be a tank. Warriors need to spec and be defensive stance limiting spells, paladins need to spec to be tank and have no special bonus 30% hp 150% armor and extra block from 2 runes.
The only cost to being unkillable for shaman by melee is a weapon swap which can be done in combat. There is little to no cost to being that tanky as a shaman. No cool downs either just 100% uptime full tankyness
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while i agree that tanks need to be addressed (all tanks btw), youre acting like there is no penalty at all for being tank spec on the shaman and would be wrong about that.
range is a huge limiting factor. 10 yard range on lightning bolt/chain lightning/ lava burst. melee range on earth shock too.
while you do get sp from + def on the shield mastery rune , not having burn+ flametongue limits the damage you can deal. also this 150% armor is only procced off blocks (that dont always happen) and only at 5 stacks of the block do you get it.
you have to have 5pc zg set to even have a hope of doing any damage and must rely on procs that sometimes never happen. with the set its 10% but still.
even then you have to be within 10 yards range to even get the spell off.
but ya.
This does not matter when you are wolf sprinting with freedom on top of your enemies spamming flameshock/earth shock and insta cast spells. You can also spec into storm reach for an extra 6 yards. It also doesn’t matter when you are defending a flag.
You do not need this, I see people in full pvp still doing plenty of damage. You don’t need extra power surge proc chance when you are constantly spamming flame shock into teams of players.
Yes all the other tanks are annoying BUT they are all CD reliant to be gods. Prot war is very strong but without CDs they can die pretty fast. Shamans are just default the tankiest class and rely on no CDs. Sham rage is just a bonus to make them EVEN HARDER to kill.
There is nothing more boaring in the game to fight right now than a BUM shaman that takes no damage.