again it does come at a cost.
they may be able to make up for it in some ways but there is cost involved.
again it does come at a cost.
they may be able to make up for it in some ways but there is cost involved.
Wait till he finds out the range on ret paladins.
Wait till he finds out paladins need 6 pc / 2 pc tier.
Xtra with the extremely critically thought out response
The cost is so minimal it’s not even a full penny. It’s like buying a candy for a 10th a penny in 1928.
Your right. 10 yards is kind crazy. What other tank has 10-16 yards of full damage?
Spoiler… none
I would gladly lift all shaman rune restrictions if it meant it was disabled in pvp.
Beside the shaman runes what other tank rune is problematic? Didnt rogues and warlocks take a flat% damage nerf recently? I think its shamans turn.
You’d just find something else to cry about, lets be honest.
Haha yet even other horde complaining about shamans from the small taste of bloodmoon.
Keep trying to gaslight shaman isnt broken. Your own faction doesnt believe it anymore.
Shamans is totally dev bias. Not a good look. No wonder this version of the game fell off so hard. At least I have PoE 2 now and come on here to see if SoD improves or any “new” content arrives. New as in not recycled…
Shamans have been working overtime to try and tell people their class isn’t broken af since at least p3.
I have 2 fantastic clips of shaman for Mogarim.
One tank shaman 3v1’ing people
And another shaman doing 7850 damage to me in 2.76 seconds
I should take another clip of a shaman in AB just spam purging me basically for free and pretty much disabling all of my damage and utility for an insignificant amount of mana to him.