Remove portals and remove fatigue

Hear me out. This will solve the PATHFINDER controversy. I feel like lately WoW is more about the destination than the journey. Obviously, portals are a part of that destroys the fantasy. But what if instead of using just portals for EVERYTHING, what if we can just fly there instead? Now I know some of them you can fly to but what about Pandaria or Northrend or Outland? What if we can just fly there ourselves. Now you might say it’s going to be boring but I think if they add more life to the ocean or the sea and add creatures to it like dolphins, beautiful fishes, corals, etc. it will make it more lively and it will definitely enhance the JOURNEY that makes playing this game so great.

Now what’s the catch? NO MORE PATHFINDER REQUIREMENTS. Let us fly to Zuldazar or the Broken Isles by removing fatigue. Let us swim to Nazjatar or the Deepholm and let us explore the sea. I feel like this will solve some real problems like flying vs pathfinder because it will make it more enjoyable for everyone!

fatigue isn’t there for immersion, it’s there to conserve your computer’s RAM.


I like where you’re going with it. Kinda like a continuous map the way you can move in EK and Kalimdor minus blood elf zone which is ‘technically’ hosted in Outland).

I am not sure it’s possible for them to do, they haven’t made a seamless connection to Ghostlands that doesn’t use a portal in 15 years (by extending EK) and the more stuff they add the harder it’ll be.

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Fatigue is there so you won’t try to fly where you can’t go.

It would take hours to fly from one continent to another. So no.


That’s…really missing the point. People don’t want travel time for the sake of travel time.


I was tired when I hv to fly to the Alterac Mountains from Paladin class hall / Ironforge…
I just need Dalaran Crater portal hihi

They’d have to build entire oceans and that would cost a ton. In the end, people would complain about having to cross oceans vs having portals to get to main cities. As it is, the removal of the other portals makes it a pain to get places.

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Every time I see this, you know it’s gonna be a good thread.



nom nom nom.


The continents don’t exist in the same “level” load times required you cannot fly there in one seem less instance

This is a poorly thought out idea. The amount of work redesigning the entire game alone makes this unfeasible. Beyond that though the continents don’t exist on the same server.

That’s why when Kalimdor crashes those on the Eastern Kingdom, in Northrend, or Outlands can continue to play.

Your idea wouldn’t solve anything, there is no ‘pathfinder controversy’ beyond the imagined one some on GD try pushing.

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There’s evidence that they started working on integrating Eversong/Ghostlands into EK proper back in Cataclysm, but stopped when they realized that there was a spacial conflict between Stratholme and Deatholme (they occupy the same physical space).

Details and pictures can be found here.


Remove the OP from the game. Problem solved.

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Fly to other planets?

We’re gonna need spaceships for that.

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Um… yes? I mean, traveling through the same territory over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, isn’t content.

Reaching your destination and doing what you came there to do is content.

I don’t want to waste my limited playing time just traveling. I want to PLAY. THE. GAME.


Well I mean dark irons can already drill between worlds (and universes)…

The day they remove portals is the day I remove my subscription.

As someone who spends 90% of their time these days leveling alts and farming old content for Mounts and Mogs the removal of Portals would make the game unplayable for me.




Soon, we can walk straight down into Azeroth’s heart in two expac to get to that map.

ahh right! nice pictures. :slight_smile:

pity maybe they’ll have to redesign the dungeon or leave it as is. Makes my happy to know they tried.

Sorry dude, portals are a CORE part of the fantasy.

You do know that the different continents are on different servers. That is why sometimes you can not join on one character but on another.
Also… Outland is another planet… ok part of another planet.