Hear me out. This will solve the PATHFINDER controversy. I feel like lately WoW is more about the destination than the journey. Obviously, portals are a part of that destroys the fantasy. But what if instead of using just portals for EVERYTHING, what if we can just fly there instead? Now I know some of them you can fly to but what about Pandaria or Northrend or Outland? What if we can just fly there ourselves. Now you might say it’s going to be boring but I think if they add more life to the ocean or the sea and add creatures to it like dolphins, beautiful fishes, corals, etc. it will make it more lively and it will definitely enhance the JOURNEY that makes playing this game so great.
Now what’s the catch? NO MORE PATHFINDER REQUIREMENTS. Let us fly to Zuldazar or the Broken Isles by removing fatigue. Let us swim to Nazjatar or the Deepholm and let us explore the sea. I feel like this will solve some real problems like flying vs pathfinder because it will make it more enjoyable for everyone!