Remove portals and remove fatigue

Oh wait your serious? Let me laugh harder then
Haha haha!

Adding in that much pointless travel time has to be one of the worst ideas I have ever seen on these forums.

“I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul”

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No. Hmm not strong enough.

NO! Hmm still not there…

Absolutely not! There we go. That idea sounds awful. I’d rather do pathfinder which is incredibly easy and use flight points inbetween part 1 and 2.

Stop giving the developers even worse ideas than Pathfinder as a possible solution to their dull and broken system before they latch onto one of them and run with it.

Exactly. Everyone knows pathfinder is bad and should just be removed, returned the way it was before, just a handful of people trying to pretend anyone but the devs actually wants it. We don’t need a weird workaround, we just need it gone.

So basically, what I’m hearing is that you want me to give up portals, in order for you to not have to do the pathfinding requirements that I’ve completed for each xpac.

What’s my motivation again? Oh yeah, not having to see a dozen whinge threads a week on the subject of pathfinder.