Remove Polymorph Immunity

No I wouldn’t.

If I wasn’t snared I WOULDNT BE IN GHOST WOLF.

That’s the trade off, Passive zoomies or passive snare immunity above 100%

You don’t get both.

Only druids can eat their cake.

Then you play shaman horribly. There are tons of reasons to ghost wolf without being snared. Especially with pvp talents you can use it as a way to lessen incoming damage by 20% or heal for 3%/seconds or pillar… even in pve ther are conditions where it’s worthwhile.

It’s not immunity. You are still snared.

But it…


yup… covered that.

Immunity to snares

In the same way a druid is “disarmed”… sure.

…no. cuz a druid with disarmed has no effect. (its not an immunity to disarms either)

but a shaman IS snared. its just reduced value from the snare.

So you claim Hand of Freedom as an Immunity

Base Paladin speed: 100%
Base speed after Frost Shock: 50%
Base paladin speed after boF: 100%


Base Shaman speed: 100%
Base shaman speed after Frost Shock: 50%
Base shaman speed after Ghost Wolf: 100%


hand of freedom is an immunity because it says “immune” when you try to snare into it

think about it this way.

iceblock is an immunity to snares too right? but your movement speed in iceblock is 0.

So anything that negates a speed reduction is now an immunity? You’re getting stretched pretty thin here.

I mean…. It kinda is. The desired effect cannot be reached. Just like snaring a shammy. Again… That autistic tic forcing ALL THINGS LITERAL is preventing you from grasping this.

“bUt mY ZoOmIeS”

no. thats not it at all. its an immunnity if the game says its an immunity.

Or if it cancels out the effect passively.

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no,. thats not immunity at all. thats just Lunatical

stop using autism as derogatory word.

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You think you’re being clever, but it just sounds like what I should name my balance Druids.

I like mine better

Ticalmeowlmo and Pontiac (sunfire).

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okay bigot.


That’s just this thread.

you are the king of false equivalencies.

no. ghost wolf isnt the same as an immunity. thats a false equivalence.

no druid form immune is not the same as ice block. thats a false equivalence.

no, calling you stupid is not the same as using a slur.

No, it actually is an immunity in the ways we have described. If you understand what the word “immune” means. I mean it has to go beyond “because blizzard said it’s the only truth”.

Depends on the situation. A is not B, but A can = B

That actually is the definition of slur.

0 for 3. Batting a 1000 today aren’t ya

No. 10chars

….And yet people are using it as such.