Remove Polymorph Immunity

Since Druids want to spam tornado they shouldn’t be immune to polymorph.


Correct. Hopefully it’s on the books for 10.0. It would go a long way towards balancing

In the case druid’s should be able to cast any spell in any form.


looks like druids are taking care of business in PvP.

keep it up boys & girls :revolving_hearts:


no thats dumb.


Rogues like to go back to back stuns as well, let’s make it so they can’t wear armor!!

Warriors like to jump around and charge, let’s make it so they can’t use their abilities!

Mages like to use Ice Block, let’s make it so they can only use auto attack!

Being immune to poly has no correlation spamming Cyclone. CC the Druid and Cyclone stops. Pressure the druid and Cyclone stops.


I’m cool with that if they reduce Poly to 20 yards and make it lock you out of all of your spells, like cyclone.


cyclone only locks you out of nature, you still have tons of spells that are on other spell schools as well as tons of physical spells that cant be locked and some cant even be silenced.

agreed though reducing poly range to 20 yards would be fair.

Yeah, that’s why the most recent AWC had all of those druid teams. Can you quit spouting nonsense just once.


what are you even talking about AWC. what does that have annything to do with the converstaion. AWC used Holy Priests that literally just got hard core nerfed today, because up until that nerf they were the strongest healer by a MILE.

get out of here.

Is reading and comprehension really that hard for you? The post is complaining that druids are somehow overtuned because they can avoid poly (if they aren’t bad). Then you herp derp your way into the post with

Now let’s look at the AWC where RMP is more or less running rampant (not accounting for Cloud 9 figuring out mage lock again. If druid’s ability to avoid poly was as strong and prevalent as you claim, then the best players should be abusing the heck out of it. Instead, barely any druids were played.

In short, you’re bad and as usual your takes are bad.


Awc has no bearing on the conversation

How is being immune to 2 spells unbalanced?

If Druids can’t have immunity “cAuSE bAlaNcInG”, then neither can any other class.

Good by ice block, bubble, aspect of the turtle, cloak.

Gee. 10.0 sounds pretty lame


what other class has passive immunity. you mention ice block but thats a 4 minute cd. right? like you see the difference between shifting and a 4minute cd yeah?

Passive while in form.

And again…. Immunity to 2 spells.

Whoopty freakin doo

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well if its not a big deal then it wont be a big deal to remove it :smiley:

4 min to long for you?

What about a minute?

No, still too long?

What about 25 seconds with 32% uptime.

what about no cooldowns?

Thats pretty neat.

Should probably balance that too.

Why is a self proclaimed pvp “expert” so ignorant about pvp?
Were the tooltips not clear enough?


Oh god, can we not get back into that conversation lol


Never letting him live that down.


lmfao you are going to compare GHOST WOLF to SHAPESHIFT.
