Remove personal loot trade restrictions

Also kinda side note I guess. Does anyone know how the weapon tokens will work? Are they just freely tradable?

Then why do you take issue with people wanting to trade their loot?

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If you don’t mess with raid guilds then why is this even a thing that concerns you

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Replace them with members just as stable, for clarification.

Like it’s pretty common to recruit a friend group of 3-5 people, and only one sticks it out and becomes a core member.

The system would still work the same way though?

No-one can force you to trade something you don’t want to trade. They haven’t been able to do it throughout all BFA and they won’t be able to do it if Blizzard removed PL restrictions.

I remember reading some sort of blue post or WoWhead post that said that they were trying to minimize the headaches that come with weapons, so you could trade a MH wep even if you were using a staff.

But I have no source on it, in fact I may have dreamed it.

You outed yourself so hard right here I can’t even :rofl:

I have no problem with people wanting to trade loot, if you can and choose to then that’s great. I have a problem when other people try to force others to which is what happens/happened without restrictions.

Yes it happens in every group and guild ever!

This is a universal problem!

You are right in the stable aspect outside of our guild core 25 players I cannot remember the last time a new recruit joined and stayed around for mythic progression the new members are just happy for aotc carriers and that’s it.

How do you know what happens currently in raiding guilds if you don’t participate?

He’s read all the threads from people who also heard it happens.

Loot rules aren’t just about me. It effects all players, it’s no secret at all I’m not in a raid guild and really doesn’t matter. It effects pugs too, you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think so.

Then no offense but you shouldn’t be part of the conversation… I am so sick of players who don’t partake in a system being the whiners that get terrible changes rammed through. No semi serious raider wanted GL gone. Any decent raider at any level realizes they are part of a team and giving gear strategically is part of being on that team. Personal loot has only enabled selfish anti socials to leech off teams.


You stated yourself you won’t be putting yourself in a situation where this could even remotely become a problem. So, why insist on keeping restrictions in place?

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So just get rid of trade restrictions between guild members. Problem solved?


I’m sick of people in guilds thinking loot rules only apply to them lol! Guild or not it doesn’t matter… the loot rules still apply.

Even if they allow PL to be unrestricted , it is still PL.

No one can force you to give it up and if it is a guild trying to do it then leave.

I have said in other threads that I would be fine with master loot in 100% guild groups, even though I still think it’s problematic. BUT I think that’s fair for mythic raid teams.

No it doesn’t a guild works together and plays together. A pug is a group of selfish people using other selfish people to achieve personal goals

How would a PuG ever force you to trade loot?

Your argument doesn’t even make sense outside the context of a guild.

This pretty much. Everyone who participates in content be it pugging or grouping with friends/guildies know that the restrictions imposed by PL are not healthy.
Read it yourself.

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