Remove natural velf options

Of course not.

They only know:
Blue good.
Red bad.


Can I ask what medicaltion you are on?

You do know most of the armor is done on the HUMAN rigging right?
That is why some of the outfits look so bad on blood elves…

I rather have the other races get more love than the void elves. If you can’t see this was a HUGE marketing ploy to get people from leaving then your hopless.

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But aren’t you impressed with his genius tactic of combining personal insults with unbacked declarations that his opponents know nothing about the lore while he frequently uses butt facts?

Me or someone else?

I like large butts and I cannot lie.

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Why, are you quoting single words? I didnt change the subject. You said blood elves dont call themselves high elves. I said neither do velves, so wtf is your point.

They are not the closest because void elves are corrupted while belves are not. Again, can a belf turn purple in combat? Can a velf be a pally?

Say who, you? Because you’re completely biased? There’s is no weight system here…

Though how conveniently that you left out what I said about horde kul tirans and alliance goblins crossing the time threshold you’re so fund of.

My usual vocabulary is so stunted by these forums

I know. But I couldn’t resist a good Sir Mix a Lot reference.

ok so soon

As well you shouldn’t.

You both are correct. Humans are bulkier and make certain outfits look awful while an Elf makes them look decent. This is often true for mail armors.

But this is being used by everyone, I was the troll, I need to be medicated or I don’t read what others write when I ask for some clarification.

Affirming nod.

The problem is that all you can do, make suggestions. Blizzard, at the end of the day, is the one who chooses what to implement. As much as I’d love to have a button I could push that would force Blizz to focus more on customizations for all the races, that’s never going to be a reality. So when you say things like

well players aren’t responsible for that, that’s a Blizzard chosen action. If players had any real power to make Blizzard do something do you think we’d have gotten Void Elves in the first place? Heck no, Alliance players would have the High Elves they requested. But I do understand, it’s frustrating that Blood Elves have been eroded away at what made them unique and not given anything to compensate for that. Blizzard needs a larger focus on these customizations as there is clearly a desire and a passion for more of it. And of course people are going to ask or demand for more things, that’s just human nature. We’re all kind of horrible like that lol.

Okay., and the faction barrier will be lifted too.

Some more than others. But puppy there has a history of this.

The Horde was screwed over by the company and people like you are fine with it and do not see the seething anger over it. As long as you get what you want nothing else matters.

We got the broken and jacked up night elf model for Nightborne and for years they ignored the anger and hate about how bad it was now they decided to do something? smells fishy to me the only way the company can fix this is a NEW model for Nightborne but we know that will never happen cause the company is to lazy and unwilling to do so.
So in stead of that I think the horde should get a copy and paste of the Draenei rigging as a faction of Eredar who reject Velen claim of peace.


Do it. Who the f is gonna care lmao.

“Oh no my favorite race is on the Horde side! Guess I’ll totally not play the more popular faction and enjoy my race at the same time!”


So you want our copy of Night Elf PLUS our copy of Draenei?

Please give us Tauren, it’s 2 for 2

We probably have to do more questing for humans than alliance gets high elf questing. Improved Humans for the Horde with twice the options as the Alliance ones!

You would be surprised how many would care. I mentioned this before and every alliance player had a melt down over it.

And here we go!

No I want OUR own Nightborne model not the jacked up Night elf version

And for the direct copy and paste of our blood elves we get a copy and paste of Draenei.

Seems very fair to me.

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