Remove Judgments of the Pure (yes I'm a ret)

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The pug killer, I’m almost tempted to play wrath classic just to see that drama again

From what i hear, wrath classic is 100% bots now, so no drama but no gameplay

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This is untrue for games that last longer than 10 seconds or whatever game length danarigg experiences at actually 1k rss


Holy pala has always had this talent it has been around get over it

I’m a monk too

You’re no bulk

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Well blizzard just surprised me with moving our set bonus away from the god awful auto attack rng, so there may be hope


As long as you’re a ww and not a mw, I will always support buffs for you :smiley: mw can bite me tho

Also, remove ring of peace.

Only if they revert to MoP original

Second thought testing on the ptr and still struggling to maintain myself vs a holy priest dmg I’m probably going to keep with my original plan

Anytime the comp diversity gos down the game dies more and more. They need to fix this crap, its not good for anyone including the op specs.


Paladin has several other strengths. Hard countering half a dozen classes is not a strength, it’s an abomination. Imagine if druid had an AOE enemy team disarm for 2s every time they pressed starsurge. That is the comparison.

The ability is fundamentally broken in this state of the game.

These two things are not even close to comparable.

It’s not balanced. At all.

I don’t think you’ve even played these classes in the MU.
Ret doesn’t eat double backlash from any of these abilities except UA. Dispelling stellar flare does like 10k damage and the knock doesnt even work half the time. Also, shaman, druid, aff, and SP are entirely dependent on their damage and SP gets especially screwed because it dispells DP as well. If I can remove 3x VTs and DP for a single global, it was FAR more worth it even with the horify because it will take significantly longer for the sp to generate those resources.

Anyone who has played ret knows it’s broken. Anyone who has played other classes FEELS how broken it is.

The “suffering” is INFINITELY compounded by anyone impacted by judge dispell, which is prettymuch everything that isn’t a warrior or a demo lock XD

Bro, entire SPECIALIZATIONS are useless because of this TALENT think about what you’re saying.

This is factually false. THose classes get punished significantly harder than the paladin does.

Uhh, it’s actually a VERY significant impact on UHDK especially with unholy blight removed. Thats a chains or damage global they’re not geting because you’re passively playing the game.

This is just objectively wrong. Have you even played


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You’re going to be forced to pick between song of chi ji and ring of peace next patch… Not that most classes don’t seem to have a way to just totally ignore ring of peace already.

Yeah… It’s so stupid


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