Remove Judgments of the Pure (yes I'm a ret)

Rets essentially being a ranged class and hitting you through it, but maybe that’s it. It’s just, warrs and dks are the classes that I’d very much like it to work on, and it doesn’t work on them. =P

Windwalker porting your port then ringing your ring. :gun:

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Being on knock Dr already cuz your druid or shaman trolled you ten seconds ago and you didn’t notice


Anything that hurts Mw is good for me. Give ww double tp and double rop

Anyone arguing for judge dispel in its current state is a troll or a complete noob, and probably both.

Theres a difference between making a matchup hard for another class and making it literally unplayable.

You literally cannot win as an ele vs a ret team that abuses judge dispel, unless the ret team throws the game.

The ele is on a 40% dmg reduc on that matchup while never actually being able to have a go.

Other specs impacted by it are somewhere on that spectrum as well.


Are you sure? Maybe instead, it would be totally fair and fine if immolation aura also cast reverse magic every time. Who’s to say?

Ohhhh this could be what I’m seeing. I’m still 2 expansions rusty, so I don’t always know what’s going on or why something’s happening the way it’s happening yet.

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You can just charge through it, fel rush, shadowstep, harpoon isn’t as reliable but I’ve seen it, bubble, those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head

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Yeah rop doesn’t trigger a dr, but if someone was recently typhoon, vortex, thunderstorm, blastwave, (whatever the dragon one is called, and I think he death gripped they are immune to rop during that time.


That has not been my experience with RoP at all

The wide majority of those listed abilities buy one gcd at most before rop bounces back out, I don’t think that’s a definition of "totally ignore rop"most players are using


The first charge/fel rush generally will break the plane of half point and you can either use the second charge or it will bounce you through to the other side

That’s still a lot of mobility to commit for 2 or maybe 3 gcds. IDK about anyone else but I’m never trying to rely on rop only in a situation so mortally dangerous that it’s really worth a melee wasting all that mobility for a bit more damage

Edit: subjectivity aside I still don’t think that meets the bar for "totally ignore rop"that fox first put down

I’m saying you don’t have to use 2 charges of mobility though for those 2 examples

I mean I wouldn’t put totally ignored, but dh one can use 1 fel rush to get through with ease, the warrior one is more iffy on only needing 1 charge.

But paladin range and rogue step easily ignores it unless used around los


Hmm, still sucks for me and my karma, but hey what’s new. At least cc isn’t going crazy removed all over the place

“Two charges means one extra per game” suck on that you morons

Just put an ICD on it. FTFY

You gotta apply karma to the off target now, right? That’s pretty meh, but at least the ret can’t remove it from them (the healer still can…).

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Yeah it’s a problem that’s been around forever and makes me feel the attack shouldn’t be a dot but instant dmg sorta like an offensive sac, but at least I can sometimes time it to dispell cd or cc the healer

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