Remove Isle of Conquest from BG rotation

lol. Yep. Nothing like getting punished for doing the objective.

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I don’t mind this one. Wintergrasp is SO boring. If you defend, it’s either a really long win or a loss. If you attack, and you lose, it takes forever.

The only good outcome is attacking with organized people, then you can win quickly. Otherwise, big stink mode.

mine only problem with the glaives is the Anti Vehicle can be out of reach but the glaives can still hit the wall.

its the same on the alliance side if the horde get the glaives.

know about the stealth players but if hunters keep launching flairs no point

All epic bgs are terrible.

Fair enough! :slight_smile:

I don’t mind that. That’s kinda the point of the glaives. They take forever to spawn. As another person said, they don’t scale well. When Isle first launched, glaives were one of the better ways to win. Now, they are completely ignored because only a couple players are needed to manage them.

For sure. Both are bad in that if you lose the initial fight, the rest of the game is an absolute uphill battle to win. Like the fact that all of them are centered around getting this one node or doing this one objective says the maps aren’t balanced.

The fact EVERYONE rushes to sunken ring or hangar says ALL the other objectives are pointless. They badly need to balance them out. This would force players todo more actual pvp to retake refinery for instance. As is, it’s a waste of time. If you’re losing, getting it doesn’t mean anything.

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IoC is fun.


Only good thing about IoC is you know which side is going to win within the first 2-3 minutes of the match (the team that wins hangar). After that it’s usually no more than a 12-15 minute wait for it to be over

Wintergrasp on the other hand, you might be in there for 30+ boring minutes depending on how stubborn the offense team is. If offense team folds fast/all 3 towers go down then it might only be 19-20 minutes, but that’s still a looong time considering how boring the BG is :yawning_face:


Replace epic BG entirely with the TDM brawls. Blizz does not have an eye for siege combat design, they could do with going back to the drawing board completely on that.

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no keep it remove wintergrasp instead

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no no no no no no and nooooo thats why brawls is separate and has its own thing .

LOL omg stop horde win 50% of the epic bgs bcuz alliance just feed them kills . “imbalance” just stop horde can get to hangar just as fast as alliance.

No they can’t. Even if you go out the left gate, you’re still on the path by the time alliance gets there… which is a bottleneck. Horde wins AV for the same reason Alli wins isle. Bad design.

Yes. That BG is an abomination


Give this cow a beer! :beer:


This is nothing more than player psychology at its finest.

If you think you’re going to lose, then you will lose.

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Bring back strand of the ancients and remove Temple of Kotmogu

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I really like Ashran, it’s not going anywhere

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yes you can ive seen plenty of horde do it . All i do is play epics so try again

this so much i miss my strands T_T