Remove Isle of Conquest from BG rotation

It’s not PvP. It’s horribly balanced. Spend 10-15 minutes sitting in a canon if you get hangar or you get in the base and just run bombs until you fall asleep. The horde path to hangar puts them at a disadvantage and feels like 9/10 they don’t get it. Glaives die if you sneeze on them. Boring win or lose.

It’s complete trash and an utter waste of time. I can only assume this remains untouched because of the imbalance in AV.

I like Isle of Conquest and Alterac Valley

Wintergrasp is what really needs to go!


of all the epics, you’re upset with ioc?



It’s not PvP.

If you’re on Alli, you get hangar and sit a cannon or run bombs IF you want to win. If you have people good at that and a few people to kill glaives, that’s it. That’s the strat. Or you AFK at hangar flag.

Even as bad as AV is at times, a single player can really affect the outcome of the match. I just finished up a match in Isle… About 30 horde go hangar which is decent and we just get stuck on the path up to the flag. If you get everyone to go out the left gate, you get a bit closer, but it’s still a massive bottleneck. What feels like 9/10, you lose it. If the alli group is good, which half are, they drop to shop and make demos to guard hangar. then that is literally the match. That’s it. A few stealths to kill glaives but that is the rest of the game. The entire game decided on the first 2-3 minutes.

The glaives aren’t a threat. They get nuked so easily that a single rogue or feral can defend the entire base from them. They should have at least enough health that it actually takes some effort to kill them.

My issue overall though is just the lack of agency. There isn’t enough ways for players to really make a difference. Everything is just massive group fights and w/e side gets the first win, that’s it.

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I think that is part of what I like about it, tbh. You have to make choices as a team…granted, there is often a split.

I wouldn’t say you can’t make a difference though. There are plenty of times where players have ninja capped nodes…or made way into the other team’s base to start bombing the gate.

I do think there is room for improvement. Ways to better balance the vehicles and add value to each direction.


Petition denied!


I agree. Let’s remove Seething Shore.


There are 2 objective flaws with IoC causing a very large discrepency in the alliance/horde win/loss ratios ATM:

  1. Alliance have a shorter distance to get to hangar resulting in ally winning the entire EBG 75% of the time.
  2. Glaive HP does not scale. So end of expac geared toons can melt them in seconds thus making them completely useless.
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I think it’s that and that I would assume… they don’t have any kind of def or vers. So the damage you do to them is completely unmitigated.

What are you ninja capping? Alli goes hangar and gets it. The airship doesn’t take many to operate. The rest guard flag outside of a couple killing glaives. That’s it. Nothing more to it.

Maybe times have change since I’ve last run it…it’s been a bit.

In the past, quarry or refinery could be ninja capped. Aside from the buffs to things from them, it’s a good way to draw multiple members of the opposite team away from the main group.

Or I have definitely been in matches where the other team is in your base, about to nuke the boss. Recap your flag, have your group backtrack and wipe them.

Neither affect the outcome of the game currently.

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are any of the epics pvp tho?

i avoid them for that reason, like sure i get my rogues daily win by solo recapping our av towers, but is it really pvp to just stand in front of 10 players and cap a flag while they spam aoe? its funny, but idk if its pvp.

Less so for sure. I think it can still be player vs player, even if you aren’t out right attacking them. It’s the lack of agency in them that is the issue. Isle just doesn’t have many good objectives. There are a few points or interest and that’s it. AV isn’t much better, but each point of interest has a lot more value.

Like in Isle, hangar IS by far the most impactful area. You could do almost nothing but hold hangar and have a few people killing glaives and demos and that’s it. That’s all you need. You can ignore everything else. 2-3 players are enough to hold off glaives and demos. That’s pretty broke if you ask me.

Even as bad as WG can be, a single good player feels like they can still have an impact. Holding a workshop or taking one. Not great and like hangar, sunken ring is still an easy win for defenders. As soon as the first catapults get built, it’s almost gg.

The ‘Epic’ battles that could happen only happen once and that’s it. It’s kinda sad after all these years that more hasn’t been done to perfect AV. 15+ years of data and you would think they would rework it.

I agree delete

But nah after playing 100 games of ioc in 14 days i can safely state that wg is even worse than ioc

They’re both bad so remove and add in tol barad

You’re all right.

Remove it all.

Especially Ashran.

As one-sided as IoC is, Wintergrasp is way way worse. “Player-versus-vehicle” format just isn’t very fun in general

It would be better of you to change your title, just in case.

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large-scale pvp is what all pvp should be.


You forgot getting vote kicked for “being afk” every single time you try to defend q base assault that isnt hangar or docks for the allstar achieve.

Man this place is a riot.

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Noted and appreciated, though I’ll leave it as is. This isn’t really a petition and is a discussion. If they want to delete it because I used a no no word… well, oh well. Not like they engage with us anyways.

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