Remove Island Expeditions

I enjoy them a lot, I enjoy them more now than before since the changes they made. It is fun getting an event going and seeing the whole island change, it’s quite fun to hunt what things came to the island to try and get loot.

I don’t really do them beyond cap myself, but that isn’t as much an issue of IEs themselves as it is the abundance of other activities to partake in. 8.1 definitely took them in the correct direction. They feel much more randomized, although the whole “static layout” thing doesn’t help, although that would be much harder to change, so I can give some wiggle room to Blizz there. As it stands, they’re not the amazing new feature they were hyped up to be leading up to BFA, but they’re not necessarily in a bad position.

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I like 'em. I like 'em more than Warfronts and dungeons. Rather freeform, sometimes there’s mogu, sometimes it’s pirates or dragonkin. I got a drunk crab and a pirate octopode.

Probably the most fun part of the expac to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope. Nope. Nope. Island expeditions are fine. Just look at them holistically. Run your Warfronts to gear up and run your Island Expeditions for AP. Just don’t run them incessantly or you’ll burn out. Like any other form of content.

I love the rewards. I think you need to ask a bigger, wider, more diverse group of people to get an accurate accounting of what people think.

Why? Just don’t do them. It won’t make your favorite activity better if they delete someone else’s fun.

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I like em!

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Further proof removing dislikes was a bad idea

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I like them okay. I’ve gotten a whole buncha pets from them. And was lucky enough to get one of the mounts last week.

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I say leave the islands alone and remove whatever it is you like. How’s that grab ya? Don’t like it? Don’t do it. It’s that simple. Don’t you think they’ve removed enough from this game already?

They’re a pretty wasted game mode.

They tried to make them rifts like Diablo 3 but the problem is the loot pool just isn’t right. D3 rifts work because of getting higher tuned keys and loot drops like candy and some you keep and others yo uthrow away.

The primary reward for islands is AP and I couldnt give a rip because

A. The heart is the worst designed piece of gear on wow, it’s boring

B. The AP unlocks azerite traits on gear that I’ve had for weeks but at a higher level and oh wait, it’s the same trait.

They need a larger loot pool and rewards. Right now you can run 20 and get AP and nothing else. Or 1 green. There’s no incentive and their dubloon vendor is trash.

Maybe put tons of old hearing there that scales to current level. Imagine getting new purple 370 pieces from old school Raids, ZG, ZA, vanilla raid weapons and what not. Oh cool, you found zin,rock or Adhkandi on this rare you killed on the expedition. It can be rare or not so rare but it adds something. Add in old tier as drops, it’s not like bonuses matter but make more drops and quit pumping stupid AP as the primary reward for everything.

AP and the heart are boring.

Don’t like them, don’t do them.
Why are you whining to the forums again?

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They aren’t terrible, and they aren’t great. Island expeditions being mediocre means that they will be a focus of a lot of hate, even though they aren’t bad and have a lot of potential.

If you don’t like the content, don’t do it. Some people probably do like it. It doesn’t accomplish anything to remove the feature from the game. That isn’t going to magically add new content that you like.

I wish I could do Island Expeditions from level 10 for something different for level 10 to 120.

I like your style!

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The new ones are a little more fun but definitely not something I love.

The treasure map is a good incentive

Everyone hate them yet everyone buy stuff on AH from there.

I like islands expeditions, I think they still need to work them out. They have the good amound of mobs and events right now but a theme/small story would be interesting to add instead of having mogu standing next to undead vrykul. It needs to feel more natural. Think of it like a wc3 map. You meet small murlocs, into big murlocs into sea giants next to nagas, all of that make sense.

I grew to enjoy IEs quite a bit up until 8.1. Most of the changes they made were good, but the one I was really sad about was the choice to change the loot tables so that drops are based on what mobs spawn that time around, rather than the specific mobs killed. I was having a great time figuring out which mobs dropped what I wanted, or had a higher chance of dropping tmog gear, and hunting them down specifically. Now, it’s just a rush to the finish to see what you get. Also, because I’m not able to target mobs more likely to drop desirable loot, I’m finding less of it dropping altogether, or so it seems.

I’m honestly a little surprised that I haven’t seen others expressing frustration about these two aspects of the changes to IEs with 8.1. Anyway, to sum it up, I still run IEs, but I do enjoy them less than I did before the patch.

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I love em, i just wish that they would fix them and prevent people from afking in them and screwing others over.

I also wish that the azerite you collected actually mattered and added to your neck not just a fraction of the amount