Remove Infectious Whirl

That maybe true but they still pissed of tons of players…and have they found out what is causing this or how its happening?

I normally dismiss my pets before going into the city…I don’t like them getting in my way as I move around…

What they need to “remove” are the 7 to 10 year old’s who are not mature enough to play a game like WoW, IMHO they are responsible for 95% of the games toxicity and it appears they found yet another way to annoy the rest of us and giggle themselves silly as we spin around. Otherwise, might as well add the “drunk effect” while spinning so the rest of us can laugh too.

“Wat Ba Hekk? Wgy Arg I Spiggningg??”

A quote I found:

It’s not a toy its an effect caused by one of the clues you have to gather, its an effect that is a result of you picking up the before mentioned item. Someone Hearthstoned, clicked the item last second before the HS cast was done, gets teleported, the result is the havoc you experience. Its an exploit.

So report if you can tell who is spreading it, as it’s an exploit and griefing.


it also gives me a migraine, all the flashes that cant’ be stopped,
and RP is impossible, as is trading, using the AH, anything, it’s even being used to troll/grief dungeon runs!


almost impossible - by the time it starts 7 people have already started spinning and off it goes, you have NO way to know who started it

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not only all of this, but basically this effect makes everyone it affects that player’s NPC - we no longer have any control over our own characters in a game we pay for - we’re just npcs for that troll’s amusement.

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Saving this for later when I’m playing with WA’s

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Some of y’all are a little too much. It will be fixed by Tuesday. Go to a different city. Jesus.

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I’m actually shocked this wasn’t hot fixed. They hot fixed the ability to sell Tobias’ Leash for 30g within an hour or two, because FREE gold on all your alts, NO WAY. But ability to troll entire RP realms, let it go.


fired? i think they should be in jail! even the most minor inconvenience to me (the main character of the universe) should be dealt with harshly!

Hello, I see you replied to the thread.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


lets be honest its bored adults trolling


incorrect. i believe you’ll find that everyone who does things i dislike is both immature and immoral.

Sure throw a pumpkin on my head, sure make me dance, sure make me say choo-choo…

But NO dont make me lose control over my characters.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, Gandalf. I was there, 3000 xpacs ago.

(Not-griefing stupid thing I did in vanilla: I kited Gamon almost all the way to Tanaris from Orgrimmar with my warrior, just using shouts.)


These are all blockable and easy to remove via weakauras / other addons / neural silencer. This buff while you can use a weakaura/addon to remove it, it comes so frequent that it still lags you out, you still lose control of your character for a fraction of a second (and 9 times out of 10, it turns you around the opposite way of where you’re trying to run to get away from it). Not to mention, it’s also very triggering to people with motion sickness and other impairments (I literally felt sick watching it in Goldshire on Moon Guard on a low level alt, as it only affects characters 60+).


Went to orgrimmar, valdrakken, and even thunder bluff.
Same bs.

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Went AFK in Valdrakken, came back to my character drowning in the waterfalls by the bank. I’m not even mad.



They need to remove it and then add a toggle option for this ooc cosmetic stuff.
I don’t want to have to buy and hope that a neural silencer works on whatever new toy or effect is being spammed by trolls in hubs.

Lemme toggle it off. If people wanna participate in it, that’s fine and they can leave their toggle on.

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