What I find odd here is that there have been many threads of late from raiders complaining about M+ being to rewarding. While as raiders they don’t reap any rewards (even though bis trinkets and ilvl comes from raids.)
As making loot more deterministic has increased M+ participation by a great deal I don’t see why it wouldn’t do the same for raiding. Instead of calling for nerfs all the time why don’t we try to give nonrewarding content buffs.
I haven’t raided in years, for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is that I no longer feel I’m good enough to do it. So there’s the open disclaimer: those who think you need experience at something to voice a “credible” opinion on that subject can chew on mine all you want. So here’s my non-credible opinion.
I don’t care for the OP’s argument. I think it sucks when the RNG doesn’t give me a new toy, but I gnash my teeth & do it again, hoping the next run will do me better. I’m not a big fan of “currency” replacing gear drops, but I can accept it as an alternative to assure that people who do the content don’t go long periods of time without rewards. So I can get behind a system that adds in currency & vendors, but I will never get behind replacing actual gear drops with currency. I don’t believe that would make the game any better or less “toxic.” What makes the game less toxic? Grown-ups who don’t act like spoiled little brats because someone else got the upgrade.
I’m not going to argue with anyone. I’m just sayin’ what I think & whether you like or dislike my opinion is irrelevant to me.
I’ve heard worse ideas. It’s a pretty radical departure from the norm, but I’d try an expansion like that.
I know Blizzard will say something like: “Predictive gearing is boring… we want the excitement of randomness being added”… so have a chance for a few players to get an item that can be traded outright for enough Dinars for an item of their choice each boss to preserve the random yay factor. In addition to the mounts/cosmetics.
All my profile shows is that I’ve seen at least two weapon drops; 1 normal and 1 heroic (at the time of raiding with that character). This is entirely accurate. That 265 replaced a Jaithys. The 252 replaced an LFR version of the same for what it’s worth. It’s not ‘bad faith’ to state that sometimes the RNG just sucks.
This is an assumption that takes two things for granted: 1. That more of my free time would go towards WoW and 2. That M+ would yield the same, or greater, rewards for the time invested.
On point 1: I put exactly as much of my free time into WoW as I want to, and it is not up to you or anyone else to determine if I’m putting in too much or too little. Not receiving upgrades from the content one is doing should not be addressed by “well you could do this OTHER content too”.
On point 2: See point 1. At worst I get some extra chances at loot during the week if I spend more time than I do in the game doing content I hate. At best I still only get 1 item per week .