Remove gear drops completely from raids

There should always be a few options for gearing. Currency, drops and crafting. Not one without the others.

No, the game should not be redesigned because some entitled players never learned the concept of minding their own business. They shouldn’t be inspecting other player’s gear and demanding their loot. THEY need to adapt, not the game.

No, entitled players will always be entitled players. If they’re willing to pitch a fit over gear for ilevel they are just as likely to pitch a fit over cosmetics. I have no issue with ADDING a currency to raiding since Mythic Plus has a similar system, but a hard no on straight up gear removal in place of it.


I like crazy ideas like this that shake things up

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Nah, we should be able to trade any item we get. Trading need to be expanded to include ilevel upgrades.

You’re a prime example why they don’t listen to people on the forum.

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I think people that don’t raid should stop making bad suggestions on raiding.

Yes they did. The drop rates were nerfed in 9.1.

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Oh no, my forum alt doesn’t raid :crying_cat_face:

I would much rather have bosses still dropped loot but also include an upgrade system that mirrors mythic+ (and no, the current one is a poor attempt at it), review the vault not having an ilvl bump and undo the nerf on the number of items that drop per kill.

Neither does your Rogue, Monk, or Demon Hunter

Remove gear from M+ and use the same currencies there as well. Cap the currency to x amount of tokens per week. What we would end up with is on Tues pick your BiS piece of gear if you ran the required amount of content.

Everyone who participated for the week would be on a level playing ground for gear, the only people who would be behind are those who took a break or switched mains. And wouldn’t it be great to no longer be at the bottom of the raids dps charts because you didn’t get tier gear yet again.

I loose motivation by never knowing if I’m going to get a piece of gear. Why bother doing the content I don’t particularly care for if I’m not going to be rewarded. Having that spreadsheet means that I know exactly when my effort will be rewarded and to me that feels much better. I’ve had far to many raid tiers that I end up with no tier set and others where I only get loot because everyone else has it and its finally traded

Raiding as it is currently (and always has been) feels like going to work and my wage for the week is pulled out of a hat.

I’m not intending to tell you you’re wrong just that what motivates people changes from individual to individual.

Raiding participation is at an all time low. If it continues there is a chance that they could pull the plug on raiding (I want to say it was down to 24% for the last raid,) at least that was the excuse for introducing LFR.

I don’t raid, one of the main reasons I don’t is because of the gearing issue. This solution would solve that for me and I would want to raid. And judging by the amount of friends who have stopped raiding or even playing the game I’m not alone.

You don’t need to be a raider to give your opinion about a system change that would get you involved in raiding.


Source that its at an all time low? LFR was introduced so people could finish the story not because of participation.

There isnt any gearing issue, so no this doesn’t solve anything

You dont ned to be a raider to give an opinion, however your opinion isnt worth anything because you dont raid.

Thats why when people who dont raid try to comment on raiding its a joke

we have a winner for the worst idea ever posted on the forums.

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I’ll just leave this here.

Thats not a gearing issue. Thats reducing the requirements to let more people in to LFR.

LFR isnt real raiding anyways.

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If you look closer

On the requirements.

SWING and a miss as usual Bloody.

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If there was no gearing problem then they wouldn’t have needed to reduce the gap.

Raiding is already unrewarding for the time spent so it why not make it worse lol.