Remove force personal loot in guild raids

No worries and I don’t blame you. I’ve been sniped a few times during heated discussions. I try to play my cards right when conversing on GD.

You get into beta yet?

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Nope but the Stress Test was a blast! Got to 15 on Hunter and it was everything I wanted in the leveling and more :heart:

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I was hoping you would get in beta but glad you got in for the stress test!

Yeah it was fun! I was blown away by the community right off the bat.

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This is a cop out and pretty much a bald faced lie. Blizzard literally said during Ion’s Q&A that most guilds were using it well for their members and it wasn’t a problem.

He said they wanted to standardize the way loot was getting done since almost everything else was personal loot at this point. And that while he understood raid teams were not abusing members because he was part of raid teams that used it and they tracked it closely, that it could be something where trials not getting loot would not feel good and he could see the other side.

And in the first Q&A he said something about it helping split runs until they walked that back in the 2nd Q&A because they realized it was bunk.

The stories about people handing out stuff to girlfriends, etc, are pretty much myths made up by people who just want to gloat that raiders got crapped on. Did it ever happen? Sure, I’m sure it’s happened on a very odd occasion.

But guilds that did that died because people don’t put up with that stupid stuff. They leave and go elsewhere and the guild gets a rep for being junk, and no one wants to go to it.

It just wasn’t happening in any kind of serious way, and Blizzard literally confirmed that for us.


lal anoder posd createad two lure em in n trool em. sew we git moar loat.

This is the only part you got right from the interview

They literally did not

Guilds never liked Master Loot, and most of the time they hated their Guild Leaders. If you don’t believe this to be true, then it is likely your guild mates are in fear of losing their raiding spot, or having loot privileges revoked.


That’s inaccurate.


It isn’t though

why do you think it isn’t around anymore

ya, think on that again.

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More than likely Normal/Heroic guilds doing whatever they want with loot because it didn’t matter in that setting to the degree that it did in Mythic.


Mythic isn’t that significant in terms of difficulty increase.

It is more a logistical challenge, than content challenge.

The reasons for wanting ML restored are not worth the price of returning to the bad old days of being ruled over by a handful of favoured souls.


If you guild leads had half a brain all loot that drops should be subjected to some sort of loot council. Boom problem solved.

Only if you convert mkythic raids to heroic lockout.

coughs up drink

Strange. Wasn’t a problem in my guild.


Loot councils solve nothing
they are effectively the GM’s favourite pets.

Wow, good for you


Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

So loot drops on the boss and the master looter decides? Again it’s the same thing to your logic. Some sort of loot distribution from all loot that drops is better than letting people keep their gear or give it to a friend in secret.

So set your guild rules that way and kick those evil people who “keep their gear”. Problem solved.

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Guy who has exactly 0 mythic boss kills in the last 2 expansions telling us how difficult Mythic is.

Jaina took my guild 4 pulls on heroic. We are at 375 currently on Mythic. But yeah, definitely not a big difficulty increase.