Remove explosive trap from the tree

I have no idea what goes on these devs mind to put explosive trap an option against intimidation.

its never used and could be useful as a trap after all we’re hunters.

might as well put all traps in the tree…

Think about this Intimidation + Explosive Trap = ?

I would LOVE another trap but I’d never ever sacrifice intimidate for it.

So I approve.

Also, murder of crows needs to be free from blood shed for BM folks.

A lot of our tree is a bit bloated. Especially after how many things get added baseline to classes that are getting mid-expansion reworks.

You can see what I mean here

Would be cool to see explosive trap go on a choice node with the 10% damage reduction after scatter stun trap are used on a target…forget the name. So it doesnt share with intimidation.

Id also like to see crows taken off of blood sheds talent point and have the damage cut in half on crows to compensate. Make thril of the hunt a 2 talent node. And put crows at an actual accessible point to make up the difference. Would be a bit more burst without making us to op…and lets face it everyone misses murder of crows considering its one of the coolest spells in game

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